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Surveys made upon the Warrants Located in partnership with [Rt?] Brandts
[sketch map] 5812
Surveyed for Samuel Beall by virtue of
Treasury Warrants no. 2834, 1292, 1655, 185[6?]
1857 & part of 1288 _ 5812 Acres of Land
lying in the County of Jefferson on a Creek between
Floyds fork and Bullskin Creek and
bounded as follows, to wit, Beginning at
four Beeches corner to James Robertson, thence west 930 poles crossing 2
forks and the main Creek to two Beeches, north 100 poles crossing
A fork of the Creek to White Hickory Hoopwood & Sugar tree a
corner to his former survey and with the said line east 930 poles
crossing a fork and the main Creek to a Black Oak & Sugar
tree corner to James Robertson and with his line south 1000 poles
crossing three forks of the Creek to the Beginning -
22 January 1783
Alexander Breckenridge asst
George May S.J.C.
[sketch map] 5000
Surveyed for Samuel Beall 5000 Acres of
Land by virtue of 5 Treasury Warrants no
1853, 1859, 1860, 1861 and 1293 lying in
the County of Jefferson and on a Creek
between Floyds fork and Bullskin &
bounded as follows, To wit, Beginning at two Sugar Trees corner

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