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the dispute between said Worthington and Daniel
, said Callaghan alleged he thought it was
rather more than said Edward Worthington ought to
have for his services as agent for said Daniel Callaghan
and Brother Patrick Callaghan in obtaining two settlements
and preemptions. It was the opinion of this deponent
and George Johnston that he was entitled to receive two
hundred acres of said Settlement or the value of the same,
and at the same time said Daniel Callaghan made
mention that he had partly sold the ballance of his land
and that he could not finish his bargain without selling
that two hundred acres also, he agreed to pay the said
Edward Worthington the full value of the two hundred
acres in money, and this deponent further conceived
the said two hundred acres of land to be worth three
pounds per acre, and this deponent further saith not.
John Martin
Sworn to before, as at James Logan in Lincoln
the 20th day of June 1729.
James Logan
Joel Atkinson
George Johnston of full age and first duly sworn
deponent and saith, that some time in the summer of the year
1797 in the Town of Cynthiana he the deponent was
called on by Daniel Callaghan and Edward Worthington
to settle a dispute between them wherein said Worthington
claimed of said Callaghan four hundred acres of land on
the South fork of Licking in the county of Harrison, being
the said Callaghans settlement right, alleging that

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