Page 10
It is therefore ordered that a jury of twelve lawful
men [?] be forthwith impannelled to enquire of the
damages the said complainant hath sustained by occasion
of the nonconveyance of the said two hundred acres of land
by the said defendant to the Complainant and thereupon
a jury of the bye-standers being called came towit,
Tompkin Barlow, John Curry, [Alistar Timberlake]],
William Laughlin, John McLaughlin, Joseph Hildrith,
John Boyd, James Pullen, Alexander Mitchell,
William Markham, Hezekiah Coun, and Samuel
Harris who being elected tried and sworn to enquire of
Damages herein as aforesaid, on their oath do say, that
the Complainant hath sustained damages on account of
the defendants not having conveyed the said two hundred
acres of land to the said complainant to the value of
four hundred pounds. Whereupon it is Decreed and
ordered that the Complainant do recover of the said
defendant the said sum of four hundred pounds together
with his costs by him about his suit in this behalf
The following depositions were taken and returned
herein and admitted as evidence on the hearing of this cause
John Martin of full age and being first duly
sworn deposeth and saith, that some time in the fall on
September 1779 he was in company with Edward Worthington
and Daniel Callaghan at the lower end of the falls of
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