Page 8




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And afterwards towit, at a court held for the
District aforesaid in October in the year aforesaid, came
the complainant by his counsel, and the said defendant
Callaghan not having entered his appearance herein
agreeably to the act of assembly and the rules of this Court
and it is appearing to the satisfaction of the court that he
is not an inhabitant of this Commonwealth; on
the motion of the complainant by his counsel It is
ordered that the said defendant do appear here on the
third day of the next term and answer the complain-
ants bill, that a copy of this order be inserted in the
Kentucky Gazette for two months successively, another
posted at the Courthouse door of Bourbon County, and
published at the front door of the Presbyterian meetinghouse
in Paris some Sunday immediately after divine service.

And afterwards towit, at a court held for the District
aforesaid in March in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and ninety nine, on the motion of the
Complainant by his counsel It is ordered that he have
leave to take depositions agreeably to [law?].

And afterwards towit, at a Court held for the
District aforesaid in July in the year last above mentioned
came the complainant by his counsel, and Satisfactory
proof being made to the court that the order of publication
herein had been duly executed, and the said defendant
Daniel still failing to answer the complainants bill.
On the motion of the complainant by his counsel, his bill
against him is taken for confessed, and commissions

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