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whom your Orator prays may be also made Defendants to
this his Bill who your Orator is informed and has good
reason to believe have in their Hands and possessions many
goods or effects belonging to him the said Defendant first
named, or are in somewise indebted to him. And your
Orator has well hoped that as they the said last mention
-ed defendants knew of the said contract between your Or
-ator, and the said Callahan the other defendant for the
said two hundred Acres of Land or the value thereof as
aforesaid and as they knew also that your Orator was actu
-ally entitled to the said value of said land the said other
Defendant having sold and disposed of the same that
they would have satisfyed and paid to your Orator
the said value of four hundred pounds as aforesaid out
of the property, money or effects belonging to the said
Callahan the said other Defendant or out of the [Debts?] [?]
to him. Nevertheless they the said John Tittle, Hugh Miller
senior Benjamin Harrison, little regarding the prem
-ises but combining and confederating with one another
and to and with the said Callahan the said other Defen
-dants how to injure and oppress your Orator, have
hitherto failed to pay to your Orator this said sum of
four hundred pounds or the value of the said two hundred
Acres of Land or any part thereof. In [Tender?] considera
-tion whereof and for [as much?] as your Orator is without
remedy at Common Law and can only find relief in
equity, to the end therefore that the said Defendants on
their Corporal Oaths may be compelled true, perfect
and direct answers to make to all and singular the
premises herein contained as fully as if the same were
herein again repeated and interrogated. But more

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