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further shows that afterwards towit, some time in the
year 1798, the said Defendant and your Orator came to
a subsequent agreement respecting the premises by which
said last agreement said defendant agreed to give, and
your Orator agreed to take two hundred acres part of the
Lands so located by your Orator or the value of the
same whatever the said land should be worth, provi
-ded he the said Defendant should choose to keep the said
land or sell it to any other person or persons, which said
two hundred of Land or the value as aforesaid was to be
to your Orator in consideration of his said services and
expences in said Location and in discharge of said first
mentioned contract. Your Orator further shews that
afterwards towit, in the year last above mentioned he
the said Defendant sold disposed of and conveyed away
the said two hundred Acres land in conjuntion with the
ballance of said locations or otherwise to others as yours
is well informed and actually believes. Your Orator
likewise states the value of said two hundred Acres of
land, for which said Defendant, sold it was as your Orator believes
about four hundred pounds lawful currency. And your Ora-
-tor in fact says that the said Defendant has not either convey
-ed the said two hundred Acres of land to your Orator
nor has he or any one for him paid to your the said value
of said land as aforesaid or any part thereof your Orator
also states the said Defendant is not an Inhabitant of this
State, and that your as he believes is in danger of loosing
the benefit of his said last mentioned contract, towit, the
said two hundred Acres of Land and the value thereof
as aforesaid. Your Orator further shows to this Honorable
Court that there are certain persons resident in this
State: viz. John Tittle, Hugh Miller senior Benjamin Harrison whom

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I just want to take the liberty to say I think this writer was being paid by the word!