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2nd. In compliance with the Reg.t of Act 3, G.O. No. 11, Head Qrs U. S. [Forces]
Port Hudson La. July 27th 1863. Officer Comdj Companies are instructed
to keep the grounds occupied by their respective companies the
vacinity in a state of readiness & cleanliness. The streets are
be visited at least three times per week by an office of the
Company and to be throughly cleaned.

3rd. On the Saturdays of each week only the morning drill will be
observed & the rest of the day devoted to general policing - every
2nd and 4th Saturday of each month immediately after morning
drill the arms are to be stacked in the company street. The equipments
hung upon them and the [tents] taken down for a thorough airing
and cleaning until 3 oclock in the afternoon.

4th. Evry Saturday afternoon between the hours of 4 & 6.30 the [ ]
right flank companies and on Saturday morning the five
left flank Companies between the hours of 6 & 8.30 will be marched
to the River in a body - under the charge of a Lieut for the
purpose of bathing. The officer in charge will not premit the men
to straggle or go into the water while heated wiith marching or to
remain in the water for more than 20 minutes.

5th Company Commanders will pay the greatest attention to the instruction
of their N.C. officers - at least one or two good men should from each
company be drilled with the N.C. officers - to fit them to
hold positions as N.C. officers. Only good sober and intelligent
men are to be chosen for N.C. officers - at least one or two
good men -(the ones chosen to drill with the N.C. officers) should
be instructed in reading and writing.

6th On every Tuesday and Friday of each week the N.C. officers &
Privates chosen for promotion will be drilled by the Regt Adj
in Company and Battallion movements at the prescribed hour.

7th The names of all N.C. officers will be sent to these Head Qrs in
Order of priority of enlistment and with all necessary [ ]
and information on - or before the 15th inst. There will be an
examination of the N.C. officers on the 31st inst or as soon as there
after practiable where all those worthy will receive their [Warrant]
of promotion while those found wanting will be reduced to the ranks.

8th Officers are again reminded of the great importance of instilling
into the minds of their men - a thorough and sincere respect
towards rank - and their duty of manifesting the same - by
the proper salutes. And every enlisted man guilty of negligence
in saluting officers - whether of this or any other Regiment
they meet with - will be severly punished.

[page] 9

9th The state of the kitchens and its vacility and the proper cooking
the soldiers meals must form a matter of the greatest importance -
to every Officer. The food should be inspected often - and at different hours of the day.

10th All teams, Horses & Mules - except those properly belonging to the
Regt or Officers of the Regt are to be turned into the Regt Q.M. by
10 oclock on the 10th inst for the purpose of being given up to the Post
Q.M. This order is to be strictly complied with - as the formation
of the Co saving fund depends upon a consciencious compliance
therewith. All necessary teaming will be provided by the Q.M. of this Regt.

11th Although at present engaged in Infantry drill, it is still the hope and
sincere belief of the Lt Col Comdg that this Regt is yet to bear the
proud title of the 1st Colored Cavalry Regt until that time comes let
every one put his shoulder to the wheel and do his utmost to be the
best Regt soldiers! The eyes of the world are upon you - to you the
friends of your long opressed race look for the proof of that manliness
which they hold to be just as much your gift from Almighty God as
that of any white man. To you - your late oppressors - and now enemy's
look with terror and fear - forseeing the time when you will be their
equals - and masters - upon the same soil where not long ago a great
majority of you - held as their slaves - Show by your actions that
you are worthy of being called freemen - and Citizens of this great
Country. You have officers who have faith in your manhood.
They have left their homes and come among you - Knowing they
are liable of being hung by the govt should they be taken porisoner
And why? Because they instruct you to be soldiers. Because they
teach you how to fight for liberty they would wish to enjoy -
Respect those Officers - obey them and help them- and be grateful
to them. The Comdg Officer embraces this opportunity to thank both
Officers and men in this Command for the promptness, cheerfulness,
and good will which they have performed their various duties-
assigned them. May the actions of the past be the best assurance
of our future success. And then indeed we will be first- if not in
name in the attributes that are invariable found in brave soldiers
good patriotic and useful citizens. Let us remember our brave
Comrads? who died in the great, successful capture of this late Rebel
stronghold and with their example before us and of their names upon
our lips for a prayer - unitedly strive to accomplish our glorious
share in the crushing of this unholy rebellion- and save this
"land of the brave" and now more than ever before" Home
Of the Free "

By Order L. L. Zulavsky
Lt Col Comdg

L. W. Benham

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