82nd USCT Infantry Order Book Companies A-E

During and shortly after the Civil War, many different regiments were stationed at Fort Jefferson, one of which was the 82nd USCT (United States Colored Troops) Regiment. They were stationed at Fort Jefferson after the Civil War. They relieved the 161st New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment on 25 September 1865.


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Head Quarters 5th Regt. U. S. Vols On board the Str Matanzas at Baton Rouge La April 29th 1863.

General Order No 1

First Lieut Leonard W. Benham is hereby appointed Adjutant of this Regt to rank as such from this date. He will relieve Lieut George B. Coleman. By Order. L. L. Zulavsky Lt Col Comdg Regt.


Head Quarters 5th Regt. U. S. Vols On board the "Matanzas" at Baton Rouge La May 1st 1863.

General Orders No 2

The assignments to this Regt will from this date be as follows. Viz -

Company "A" Rollin A. Stearns Capt 1st Lt Phil Mead 2nd [Lt] Alex Mead

[Company] "B" Eugene F. Roberts [Capt] 1st Lt Nelson Magee 2nd [Lt] M. I. Roberts

[Company] "C" James M. Holden [Capt] 1st [Lt] Geo H Maynard 2nd [Lt] David R. Smith

[Company] "D" Francis Cavert [Capt] 1st [Lt] Moritz Kreickle 2nd [Lt] W. P. Misler

[Company] "E" George W. Coombs [Capt] 1st Lt Geo B. Coleman

[Company] "F" Joseph H. Meredith [Capt] 1st [Lt] James C. Allen

[Company] "G" Peter H. Langstaff [Capt] 1st [Lt] Geo H. Tobey

[Company] H Thomas Thornton [Capt] 1st [Lt] Thos. James Jr. 2nd [Lt] H. A. Harris

[Company] "I" Geo I. Alden [Capt] 1st [Lt] Elekins Ludrigh 2nd [Lt] J. C. Marian

[Company] "K" Eugene Ghyka [Capt] 1st [Lt] L. Zulavsky 2nd [Lt] A. Baumann

No officer of this Regt will leave the ship tomorrow without the special permission of the Lieut Col Commander

By order L. L. Zulavsky Lt. Col Commander

Headquarters 5th Regt U. S. V B Rouge La May 3rd 1863


General Order No 3

Hereafter the Roll of this Regt will be called each day at 6 oclock AM and 8. PM after which no officer will leave the camp without special permission.

By order L. L. Zulavsky Lt Col Commander

LW. Benham Adjutant

Last edit about 2 months ago by Lrhudgins
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Head Quarters 5th Regiment U.S.V. B Rouge La May 3rd 1863 General Orders No 4. In consequence of the uncertaincy regarding the length of time we are to remain in this camp and also obtaining horses for this command. There will not be any permanent orders at present concerning the daily duties and exercises of this Regiment. All orders for the day will be read at the morning Roll Call.

By orders L.L Zulavsky Lieut Col Comdg

LW. Benham Adjutant


General Orders No 5. The Lt Col Comdg this Regiment not having time to take active part at present in this instruction of the officers of command hereby appoints Capt Langstaff & Ghyka will commence this day. They will therefore be excused from all other duties. There will a drill in the sabre exercise from 6.30 until 8 oclock this am. Drills for instruction in school of the Trooper from 5 until 6 P.M and from 6 to 7 P.M. Drill in the tactics. Hereafter AM Roll call of this command will be at 6 AM and 9 PM In accordance with orders from Col Hamlin Comdg the Brigade - every officer of this Regiment is hereby authorized recruit wherever he can about the city and bring them to this camp for enrollment. All officers who have not been mustered will report to Lieut Col Zulavsky at 10 AM this day:

By order L.L Zulavsky Lieut Col Comdg

LW. Benham Adjutant


Head Quarters 5th Regiment U.S Vols Baton Rouge La May 12. 1863

General Orders No 6 Roster of daily exercise at Camp Zulavsky

Reveille 5 o clock AM Guard mounting Insp. 2 PM
Roll Call 5.15 [o clock AM] Battallion or Regt drills 3 to 6
Police 5.30 [o clock AM] Supper 6.30 to 7
Breakfast 6.30 to 7 [o clock AM] Roll Call 9.
Squad or Co drills 7 - 10 [o clock AM] Taps 9.30
At least one officer from



each camp must be present at all Roll calls. Drills. Inspections &c &c. No Officer shall leave camp without special permission of the commanding officer. Non Com officers and Privates are not allowed to leave camp without a written permission from their Company commanders.

The time assigned for Battallion or Regt Drills will be until further orders be used for squad or Co drills.

All officers not engaged at drilling recruits will be instructed in the sabre exercise from 8 to 10 AM. and in the tactics or other necessary matters from 4 to 6 P.M.

An intelligent man will be detailed alternately from Co's "A" & "B" for orderlies to these Hd Qrs - He is not however to miss the Drills except from urgent necessity. Co Commanders will detail a squad daily to act as Police Guard by their respective Companies and prevent the men from straggling out of the Camp.

By Order L.L. Zulavsky Lt Col Comdg

LW. Benham Adjutant


Head Quarters 5th Regt. U. S. Vols Baton Rouge La May 18th 1863

General Orders No 7

Pursuant to G. Orders No 35 Brig Genl Ullmanns Head Qrs. Captain Francis Covert is hereby relieved of this Command of Co "B" of this Regt. He will turn his command over to Captain Joseph H. Meredith giving a strict account of all govt property that may have been given into his possessions up to this date. In consequence of this change Capt. Holdens Co will be known as Co "B" Captain Meredith's as Co "C" and so in regular [ancianty] to be "I" which will be commanded by Capt Eugene Ghyka. 1st Lt. Krieckle + 2nd Lt. W. P. Mesler are hereby assigned to Co. "K." For the purpose of greater facility in drilling the recruits hereafter the Co's will only be filled to the strength of forty (40) men and all Co's having more than this no of men (40) will turn surplus over to Capt Rollin A. Stearns who will form Co "D." He is to take account of all clothing & effects the men may bring-the same as if he had drawn them from the Q.M Dept. & thereby relieve all Company Commanders from all responsibility for the articles transferred with the men.

By order of L.L. Zulansky Lt Col Comdg

LW Benham Adjutant

Last edit 29 days ago by Lrhudgins
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Head Quarters 5th Regiment U.S.V. B Rouge La May 3rd 1863 General Orders No 4. In consequence of the uncertaincy regarding the length of time we are to remain in this camp and also obtaining horses for this command. There will not be any permanent orders at present concerning the daily duties and exercises of this Regiment. All orders for the day will be read at the morning Roll Call.

By orders L.L Zulavsky Lieut Col Comdg

LW. Benham Adjutant


General Orders No 5.

The Lt Col Comdg this Regiment not having time to take active part at present in this instruction of the officers of command hereby appoints Capt Langstaff & Ghyka will commence this day. They will therefore be excused from all other duties. There will a drill in the sabre exercise from 6.30 until 8 oclock this am. Drills for instruction in school of the Trooper from 5 until 6 P.M and from 6 to 7 P.M. Drill in the tactics. Hereafter AM Roll call of this command will be at 6 AM and 9 PM In accordance with orders from Col Hamlin Comdg the Brigade - every officer of this Regiment is hereby authorized recruit wherever he can about the city and bring them to this camp for enrollment. All officers who have not been mustered will report to Lieut Col Zulavsky at 10 AM this day:

By order L.L Zulavsky Lieut Col Comdg

LW. Benham Adjutant


Head Quarters 5th Regiment U.S Vols Baton Rouge La May 12. 1863

General Orders No 6 Roster of daily exercise at Camp Zulavsky

Reveille 5 o clock AM Guard mounting Insp. 2 PM
Roll Call 5.15 [o clock AM] Battallion or Regt drills 3 to 6
Police 5.30 [o clock AM] Supper 6.30 to 7
Breakfast 6.30 to 7 [o clock AM] Roll Call 9.
Squad or Co drills 7 - 10 [o clock AM] Taps 9.30
At least one officer from
Last edit about 2 months ago by Lrhudgins
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