


Status: Complete

State of Texas
County of Red River

I Balinda Caroline Oliver
have this day Bargoned
Sold and Delivered unto [ ]
For and in consideration of the sum of
dollors follow the Receipt of Which
I here acknowledge A, certain Negrow
Woman of lite complection named Charlot
about 26 years of age and her Child Mary
about ten months of age Which I warrant
to be Slaves for life and further
Warrant the title of Said Negrows against
Aney and all Lawful Claims that may
Be Set up by any person or persons
What Soever - witnes my hand

This the [ ] day of [ ] 1859.

State of Texas
County of Red River

I Balinda Caroline Oliver
have this day Bargained
Sold and Delivered unto [ ]
for and in Consideration of the sum of
[ ] dollors the Receipt is hereby acknow
-leged. A Negrow Boy of Light Complection
Named Horve (Harvey?) about Six years of age
Who I warrant to be a Slave for Life
and further, warrant the title of Said
Boy against all Lawful claims Whatsoever

This the [ ] day of [ ] 1859.


Notes and Questions

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Given the formulaic nature of these passage, I have used one to clarify repeated words in the other. Someone more familiar with this type of document may be able to confirm.

This records appears to be a template someone prefilled in advance with blanks for the date and buyer.