
Transcription Conventions

General Guidelines

  • Save your work frequently. If you don’t save before you navigate away from the page, your work may be lost! Click “Save” as you work on a page.
  • When you have transcribed all the words on the page, click the “Done” button in the upper right corner.
  • Transcribe the text as is, including capitalizations, punctuations, misspellings, and abbreviations.
  • Any text not in the original document should go within square brackets. They can be used to correct a misspelled word, such as Carlottesville [Charlottesville], or expand an abbreviation, such as Wm [William].
  • While you do not need to recreate the formatting of the original document, we ask that you hit "Enter" once after each line ends. Hit "Enter" twice to indicate a new paragraph, whether indicated by a blank line or by indentation in the original.
  • You may come across outdated or offensive language in historical documents. Transcribe offensive language as it is written on the page.
  • If you think the document includes names of enslaved people, double bracket the name, e.g. [[Jane]], then scroll down and make a note. Don't forget to save the note.

Hard-To-Read Words

  • If you aren’t sure of a word but want to guess, indicate with square brackets and a question mark, e.g. [town?].
  • If you can’t make out a word at all, use [illegible]. If you spot [illegible] in an already started transcription, feel free to correct it if you know what the word is.
  • For text that has been crossed out, if you can read it, type [struck: text]. If you cannot read it, type [illegible].
  • Consider the context. If you’re having trouble with a word or passage, read “around” it and think about what a likely word would be, or look for other letters and spellings in the document that are similar.
  • Do your best, but don’t spend too much time on any one word. Use [illegible] and return to it when you have finished the page or document. You might be surprised that you can now read the word after transcribing the rest of the page.


  • Do not transcribe hyphens or spaces in words that occur at line breaks: type the whole word then hit "Enter". Continue transcribing the next line starting with the first whole word.
  • For words that are underlined indicate with square brackets and the word underline, e.g. [underline: text].
  • For lines or rows of dots, you do not have to transcribe them all, since this adds little value to the searchable text. Type a single _ or . as needed, followed by the text.
  • For content in tables, use a | as a column divider. (above the \)
  • For words that are inserted above or below the line, add information in brackets within or near the line. For example: [inserted above/below: text].
  • When transcribing parts of the letter that were written around the edge of the paper or perhaps written cross-wise on the paper, add information in brackets to the end of the document. For example, add the transcribed information to the end of the letter and write [written at the top of page 1: text] or [written on edge of page 1: text] or [written across page 1: text].