



Status: Complete

two little boys from Mr. Fields Garden
he will now remove them in the Lott with
Mother, I am so glad you intend haveing
the remains of Father, and all of our dear
ones put in our own Cemetary, there is great
interest taken in improveing it, and it is
looking so much cared for, our dear Mother
felt indifferent about such things, and
often reproved me for feeling so much
interest about the resting place of the dead
but there was a great change in her
feelings in the last few years, she wanted
you to bring your Monument over, and
she wanted to be near her Children, that
that was one reason she wanted to leave
Frankfort, she did not want to be buried there
I had not the least Idea I would miss her,
and feel the loss of her so much, she was so blest
with health, that she was so cheerfull, and
company for every body, and she wanted
me to tell you the great love she had for
you, we are all very anxious my
dear brother for the time to come when you
will return to your home, and we shall meet
again, Speed joins me in much love to you
your Sister Eliza L Smith

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