



Status: Complete

Dec 12th 1867.

My dear Brother,
I received your letter
of Oct 26th and feel very gratefull to you,
for your promp aid to my necessities, you
have ever proved a good kind and affectionate
Brother to me, for which I shall
never forget. Speed carried your Notes
to Mary Jane yesterday, and got your
Check, she and all the Family were
well, Sally expects to start to Chicago in
a few days to spend several weeks, with
Mary who is also very well.
Sister Rodes' health
is much improved, Sally Stone is teaching
school in Missouri and has her two youngest
brothers with her, she is trying to take care
of herself, I understand her Father said his
health was so bad, they must not expect
him to support them, he is [underlined: a strange Man.]
Brutus has been to Richmond and paid
$ 200 for the Lott Mother is buried in, he
had never, removed the remains of his

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