




Dec 12th 1867.

My dear Brother, I received your letter of Oct 26th and feel very gratefull to you, for your promp aid to my necessities, you have ever proved a good kind and affectionate Brother to me, for which I shall never forget. Speed carried your Notes to Mary Jane yesterday, and got your Check, she and all the Family were well, Sally expects to start to Chicago in a few days to spend several weeks, with Mary who is also very well. Sister Rodes' health is much improved, Sally Stone is teaching school in Missouri and has her two youngest brothers with her, she is trying to take care of herself, I understand her Father said his health was so bad, they must not expect him to support them, he is [underlined: a strange Man.] Brutus has been to Richmond and paid $ 200 for the Lott Mother is buried in, he had never, removed the remains of his

Last edit 4 months ago by Eastern Kentucky University, Research Center for Special Collections & Archives


two little boys from Mr. Fields Garden he will now remove them in the Lott with Mother, I am so glad you intend haveing the remains of Father, and all of our dear ones put in our own Cemetary, there is great interest taken in improveing it, and it is looking so much cared for, our dear Mother felt indifferent about such things, and often reproved me for feeling so much interest about the resting place of the dead but there was a great change in her feelings in the last few years, she wanted you to bring your Monument over, and she wanted to be near her Children, that that was one reason she wanted to leave Frankfort, she did not want to be buried there I had not the least Idea I would miss her, and feel the loss of her so much, she was so blest with health, that she was so cheerfull, and company for every body, and she wanted me to tell you the great love she had for you, we are all very anxious my dear brother for the time to come when you will return to your home, and we shall meet again, Speed joins me in much love to you your Sister Eliza L Smith

Last edit 4 months ago by Eastern Kentucky University, Research Center for Special Collections & Archives
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E L. Smith Dec 12the 1867 Passed.

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