E L Smith
July 12. 1867
passed ausd. July 12th 1867
My dear Brother,
On Monday night the 1st
our dear Mother was taken with Colera Morbus,
was cramped in her feet and up to her knees
several times for two days, after that we all thought
she was a great deal better, she suffered very little
still her bowels acted more than we wanted, Cunan
was with her all the time, and Sister Rodes.
Saturday at 2 Oclock she died, she was perfectly
at herself all the time bore her sufferings with a
great deal of patience and resignation, was
ready and willing to go, she said to her peacefull
home, the greatest regret she had, was that she
could not see you again, she wanted to see you
more than every one else on Earth, and we
all hoped so much she would, she was looking
better than she had for a long time up to the
night she was taken, the weather was excessively
warm, and we have a great variety of fruit,
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