Page 4




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Mamunkquiaug being on the farthest side that reedes growing on the South end
of the great pond Eastward And soe along to the sea side southward to
a place called Coppauhshapaugausuk soe straight from there to the
South sea, Together with all the privelidges Emolluments appurtenan-
-ces or profits may any wise arise or issue fromthe said land thus
bounded as aforesaid: And wee doe deliver upp all our Title of the same
to the aforesaid persons their heires executors & assigns to have
and to hould the same for ever, without any let or molestration
Saveing the priveledges of the beach and whales cast upp thereon
which is allready the proprietie ofThomas James and Jerimiah
Conkling to their heirs & assigns for ever, Bee it knowne alsoe
that wee the aforesaid John Mullford Tho: James & Jerimiah Conl-
ling to be devided by them three & disposed of as they three shall
agree. & shall from time to time & att all times Justifie them
in the possession of the said land: And if ever heareafter, the forementioned
John Mulford Thomas James Jerimiah Conkling or their suces-
sors shall see cause to [fence] in the said land, The indians are to
fence in or beare the charge one halfe, and they the
other halfe, In ratification & Confirmatoin of the promised
wee set to our hands & seales. Memorandumthat the Indians are
to have the finnes and tayles from time to time for ever onely
of all the whales cast up at Montaukut or other great fish as -
they have at Easthampton:

[Three columns following]
Subscribed & Sealed
& Delivered in presence
of us:
Benjamyn Conkning
Phillip Allcock

Chefonoo X makk
Poquattoun X mark & seale
wachifittaubut X mark

Mousup his mark X
and seale
pechouwan X mark
Matompauk X marke
Obadiah X mark

Decem: 10 1670,
This above written agreement was owned and consented to by both
parties in the presence of mr John Mullford Justice of the peace
This above written Deedeof sale is a true Coppie [s]trated out
of the originall & Compared by me:
Thomas Tallmage Recorder
feb 8 1670
Wee three John Mulford Thomas James Jerimiah Conkling
doe assigne over & Deliver upp to the towne of Easthampton this former deede expressed: & all the Interest wee have in it: our interest in the whale
only excepted as witnes out hands

In presence of us
John Young
John Howell

John Mullfeld
Thomas James
Jerimaiah Conkling

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