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Thomas Tallmage, Copy of a Montaukett Deed, 1670
Page 3
provided of land and to have the former agreement fullfilled and to remane as firme & sure as though there never had been any Such act or deede as here is Specified: and that dureing the time of the Indians abode att Montakut they Shall be carefull of doeing any wrong to the English Either by their own persons or doggs or any other way whatsoever: In witnes of the premises wee doe here Sett to our hands: Dated at: Easthampton Feb 11 Anno Dom.: 1661
[Left side] Sealed Signed & Delivered in presence of us Edward Codner William Miller
[Center Column Theise two Mr Gardiner ] & his sonne fuly confir= =ming the premises being guardians to the above Said Sachem Lion Gardiner David Gardiner
[Right Column The Sunck Squa X Her mark ] wiondombone his X mark Sachem [..]oquttouns mark X [..]owhy his mark X missoquat X his mark mokkattas his mark Obehhonnu X his mark tommouk X his mark Syana his X mark Soukinnoush X his mark aukeamt X his Mark These in the name & consent of the rest of the Indians of Montaukut
The above written being extracted out of the originall Deede of which this is A true Copy by mee Thomas Tallmage Reco[rder]
This agreement following agreed & Concluded Decem[ber] first Ann Dom .. one thousand six hundred and seventy And in the two and twentieth yeare of the soveraign LordCharles the Second King of great Brittaine france and Ireland Defender of the faith: Bee it known to all men by these presents that I Voniute Sachem ofMontakut Alias Mousup,Pehihouwan:Mauhsianan Smith: Mahtompait Obadiah & Ohekonnoo In the name & with the Consent of Pauquatoun . . Counsellor: Missaguat Askommaug wussouwan, Niuvgin & the rest of the associate[s] the true and lawfull Proprieties of a portion or parsell of land called Montaukut beyond a certain pond ralled the fort pond Eastward, Wherias Mr John Mulford, Mr, Thomas James Minister, & Jeremiah Conkling Inhabitants of Easthampton in New Yorksheire on the East Rideing were bound in a bond of a hundred pounds to the Commissioners of the Right Honourable frunns Louelan Governor in our behalfe, wee having bound over and mortgaged all our lands for their securitie inCase of the nonpayment of a certain sum of mony viz foure Hundred Bushells of Indian Corne:wee having forfeited our land to you forenamed Person att & upon the advice of the Worshippfulll William Wells of Southhould one of the aforesaid Commissioners that wee should come to a Speedy Composition with the aforesaid freinds, we aforementioned after searious Consideration & Debate have agreede & Concluded: And by theise presents doe deliver upp bargaine for & [Enfe] off a certain parsell of land to the foresaid John Mulford, Tho. James & Jeramiah Conkling as it is thus limitted & bounded by [..] the foresaid parties Wachebehsurk a plan by the fort pond being a valley Southward from the fort hill to the beach [Shahchippitchuge] being on the North Side the said land midwayBetwene the great pond & fort pond Soe on a streight line to [Chebiatinauhsuk] from there to a swampe where the Haystack stood called Mahshougitchuge and soe throughthe Swampe to the great pond then Straight from the haystacks to the great pond. Soe along by the great pond to a place called