1930s Los Angeles to Berlin

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1930s Los Angeles to Berlin
Correspondence and diaries of an American PhD student studying psychology (and training as a psychoanalyst) in 1930s Berlin.

In May, 1929, 24 year-old Marjorie left California and traveled to Berlin, where she spent three years as a graduate student preparing for her career as a psychoanalyst. She arrives in Berlin just as the "Cabaret" era of sexual freedom and avant-garde culture is at its height, and her early letters are filled with breathless excitement as begins her studies and enters into an affair with a married German academic. In letters to her mother Peg—a feminist intellectual New Yorker transplanted to Los Angeles—Marjorie tells of her adventurous social life, her studies, and her travels around Europe. Care-free and in love, Marjorie barely registers the market crash of 1929 and the onset of the Depression. But as Hitler's National Socialists become an increasingly visible and menacing presence on the streets of Berlin, these political and economic tensions increasingly affect her relationships in Berlin and with her family at home.


1929-06-12.001 MRL to Peg from London

1929-06-12.001 MRL to Peg from London

Marjorie spent about 8 weeks making her way from Los Angeles to Berlin by sea (via the Panama Canal). She stopped first in New York, where she grew up, to visit family and friends, and then embarked for London, then Hamburg, before arriving in Berlin on July 4, 1929.

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5 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed). Incomplete metadata.
1929-06-16.001 MRL to Peg from London

1929-06-16.001 MRL to Peg from London

Collaboration is restricted.

12 pages: 83% complete (100% transcribed, 17% needs review). Incomplete metadata.
1929-06-19.001 MRL to Family

1929-06-19.001 MRL to Family

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2 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed). Incomplete metadata.
1929-06-23.001 Peg to MRL OG

1929-06-23.001 Peg to MRL OG

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9 pages: 44% complete (100% transcribed, 56% needs review). Incomplete metadata.
1929-06-26.001 MRL to Peg

1929-06-26.001 MRL to Peg

Collaboration is restricted.

4 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed). Incomplete metadata.
1929-07-03.001 MRL to Family from Hamburg

1929-07-03.001 MRL to Family from Hamburg

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4 pages: 0% complete (100% transcribed, 100% needs review). Incomplete metadata.
1929-07-08.001 MRL to Peg

1929-07-08.001 MRL to Peg

Collaboration is restricted.

8 pages: 0% complete (100% transcribed, 100% needs review). Incomplete metadata.
1929-07-13.001 Peg to MRL OG

1929-07-13.001 Peg to MRL OG

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11 pages: 0% complete (100% transcribed, 100% needs review). Incomplete metadata.
1929-07-21.001 MRL to Peg

1929-07-21.001 MRL to Peg

Collaboration is restricted.

10 pages: 40% complete (100% transcribed, 60% needs review). Incomplete metadata.
1929-08-01.001 MRL to Family

1929-08-01.001 MRL to Family

Collaboration is restricted.

4 pages: 75% complete (100% transcribed, 25% needs review). Incomplete metadata.
Displaying works 1 - 10 of 23 in total

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