
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.


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1945 31 Days JANUARY

18 Th Very cold and [] evening. Discussed [] in current events. Did french in free lesson Breton rather boring. Went to have my [] after school. Denys who is now home came in, in evening, also Gordon

19 Fri Very very cold snow storm in afternoon. Had two free lessons at break. Went out in dinner hour and had drink in Woolworths. Played games in gym instead of hockey. Washed my hair in evening. Denys came in for a little while and Dave came in for supper

20 Sat—Moon's first quarter 11.48 p.m. Very very cold Snowed in evening. About 1". Helped Mummy all the morning. Did veges. Said goodbye to Denys and Dave in afternoon. They have Memo both gone on indefinite leave and will not return to Nepal. Went to tea with Hump & his wife in Ely. Gordon & Bill came in in evening & Colin Woonton turned up to stay the night & Gordon came in for supper

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir


JANUARY 1st Month 1945

21 Sun—3rd after Epiphany Went to Sunday School in morning and also taught Primary. We started making scrap-books. Went to S. School again in afternoon Colin left a 3 o'clock Read all the evening No one came in.

22 Mon Bill went into sick-bay he is run down Very cold, but thawed a little in afternoon. Betty away from school so had to biology lessons on my own continued painting my picture in art. Didn't feel well in evening because on boil on my face. Went to bed early Betty away from school

23 Tues Very cold. Did history & biology in first free lessons. English and french not bad. Did biology in afternoon and finished it at night Gordon came in for tea and supper Ted came in for a short time.

24 Wed Still very cold. Continued painting in art. Singing & gym quite nice. Wrote to Bill in free lesson. Had notes in history. In evening finished letter and did some french.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir


1945 31 Days JANUARY

25 Th—Conversion of St. Paul Very Very cold. No fires at school so juniors couldn't go. Seniors had to go in centrally heated parts had lessons as usual got my new dress & blouse back from dd dress. We all went to a service evening at Chapel. Brian & Ted came and also Neville. Selwood F/O navigator.

26 Fri Very very cold and foggy. Had lessons as usual until afternoon and then went for a long walk as far as the Witchford aerodrome instead of games Chilblains very painful Mummy & Daddy went to meeting in Evening Bruce came in.

27 Sat Very very cold and windy Went to Sutton in morning and did errands. Also cleaned bathroom Went skating with Daddy down the gault in afternoon. Lovely piece of ice. Went all went to Auntie Connie's for tea and Memo supper. Had a lovely time, didn't get home until nearly twelve o'clock.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir


JANUARY 1st Month 1945

Snowed during night. 28 Sun—Septuagesima Full Moon 6.41 a.m. some drifts 1 ft deep. Walked to S. school in morning! Only 3 at Primary I took them myself. Bill came out of sick bay at dinner time, he came to tea. Did H.W. in afternoon went chapel in evening with Bill and George Phang.

29 Mon Not quite so cold. Juniors still not at school. Did notes in biology & translation in french Read history in free lesson. Went out in dinner hr. Read life of artists in afternoon Went skating down the gault with Daddy in evening Had a lovely time-

30 Tues Quite thick fall of snow during night. Juniors came back to school. Did history in free lessons. Allowed to come home in afternoon. Read history by fire Bill came in in evening, he was not well so went into sick-bay again. Bruce came in

*31 Wed Still thawing. Quite a lot of rain continued reading life of artists in art. Had a nice singing lesson. Did not do gym History not bad. Did homework all the evening Gordon came in, just back from leave.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir


1945 28 Days FEBRUARY

1 Th Quite mild day Missed current events. Did history in free lessons. Went to Mrs Moynihans in dinner hour Had some fun in biology drawing dogfish Finished history essay in evening George and Leslie White

2 Fri—Purification of B.V.M. Very windy. Candlemass Scottish Quarter Day Gordon went into sick bay. Scripture lessons not bad. Didn't do anything in free lessons [] but talk. Played hockey in afternoon Did the transfer for Bruce's mascot and stiched Teds props on in evening.

3 Sat Lovely day just like spring. Helped Mummy all the morning Pegged washing out and did veges. Got changed in afternoon and went with Mummy to see Bill & Gordon in sick bay.

Posted my application for Homerton Memo College. Did some sewing and read in the evening. Bruce crashed on bakehouse in Suttons at night. Injured, but not seriously

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 129 in total