McCauley 1852

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Friday March 26th 1852

Very pleasant day. Went in morning to survey for Hiram McCullough - worke din shop in afternoon - Thunder storm at night


Thunder in morning - rain very dark day - worked some in shop -

28 Sunday

Was not well - Went to church in the afternoon Mr Helmbold preached Acts - Mother went to church

--29- E.B. Harshorn began school. Went to Elkton - took Mother and little Sarah - Had headache - brought Mary home - day unpleasant Recd letter from D J - M Brown & G. Connell.


Still sick with headache - Went to Elkton at noon with Mr Price and to sale of B.P. Morris property. an arrange ment made & settled amicably.

Last edit about 10 years ago by cclark
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March 31st 1852

A cold, wet disagreeable day Clears up before sunset.

April 1

Clear - a little cool but plea sant - Went with Rachel to Scotts got 20 Hubs - 94 ft of Hickory on 5 axles - Dealt bill of John Scott out of mill with S.G. Miles $2.50 G.C. Weaver got away wheels & paid Jonathan $4.20 for them. Frisby Tull came after me to survey Mill etc. at Levi's -


Went in morning and made survey of Levis paper Mill for insurance and made plat & certificate thereof - also ran the lines between Levi's & Manley Beginning at stone at corner of stone wall thence nine perches, thence across creek & up hill 8.8 per

Last edit about 10 years ago by cclark
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thence by a marked B.O. tree to a rock on Falling Mule(?) Hill Mr Morris moved today. Wind very high in evening & cold


Cold-Hooped wheels in the morning. Worked in shop all day. Jons at Chimney. Larry Tyson brough Lizzie down Bough 100 herrings from J Garrett for $112 1/2 - --4th Sunday - Cold - snowed in afternoon wrote letter to Danl J. & Milly wrote to her sister Anne

--- 5 -- Snow on ground and bad travelling - Went to Court and stayed all night with mother. rained hard -

--- 6 -- Attended court. Judge Chambers in the bar - Came home with John Smith. Letter from S. Mahoney

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--- 7 -- Walked to Elkton. Anthony Betts tried for burning store house in Ches tertown, and found guilty. Rod Levi Todd's horse from Elkton.

--- 8 -- Went to Elkton with Mr Price. Saw John (___) - Engaged me to sell his Farm 200 acres - $6500. plenty of good mail - House, granary, & stablery - wood enough for farm within 2 miles of public landing Saml C. Gale engaged me to sell his Farm 165 acres $5000 - said Geo Gale's Farm adjoining is for sale $100 acres. Said he would sell mill seat 60 ft farther Rained all day - Plunket tried for stealing axe - acquitted Bill McCabe for stealing coat - guilty Came home with Mr Price Bought 25 herring John Garret 25 cts.

Last edit almost 10 years ago by cclark
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April 9th 1852 Walked to Elkton. John Pernell tried for burning a house in Charlestown - Jury went up at dark and did not come down until after sun rise - Verdict guilty. Stayed at Elkton all night -- 10 --- Grand jury discharged Weather clear and pleasant - Business of court fnished to day being in session 6 days. Harriet & Mr Howard came up with carpet. 11-- attended as Juror Camp Sunday -- Dy unfavorable Stayed at home in morning Child unwell with sore mouth Mr. Taylor preached at New Leeds --- 12 -- Worked in shop -- Finished W. Scarborough wagon - Hooped Flounders wheels - Day pleasant -- Rain came on at night. planted peas.

Last edit about 10 years ago by cclark
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 97 in total