Pages That Mention Cape of Good Hope
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 239
Off E Coast of Africa
of[f] & on shore. land in sight again this mg. have had no obs. for some days.
Saturday May 13th. 1859
Light Air sprung up last evg. from the eastward & has kept up as a nice breeze dead astern today & with the effect of a strong current has made us run 214 a lunar last evg. at 9.30. made us off Cape Morgan & today at 12 we were off Algoa Bay & to the southward 60 or 70 miles reading (Blk Dragoons from Peterson)
Sunday May 15th. 1859
Fair wind Continues 11 oclock blowing stiff dead Astern Bar. falling. every one lively on bd. in the prospect of getting speedily round the Cape & to St. Helena Bay we caught a pigeon this mg. & a Carey last evg. Biscoe Skinned the pigeon today. have
p. 240
On Bd. Ship "Ivanhoe"
off Cape Colony
as to preserve him with
Thursday May 19th. 1859.
All going on much as usual. on Tuesday the ship was hove too. a strong N.W. gale blowing. We have made little progress during the last three day the N.W. Winds having prevailed We were today at 12 ocl in Lat. [struck through:18] 36.17. Ling. 18.55. being still to the southward of the Cape of Good Hope. (tedious work.) Payne caught several penguins during the gale Peterson & I have taken to bunking in Cabin the weather was so cold & wet
Saturday May 21st. 1859.
Nearly becalmed yesterday & to day Caught a pigeon last night Today very warm Sun quite hot. Current setting us a good deal to the westward we are still in
p. 241
Western Side of the Cape
36° odd South & 17. Something West. Tedious Slow work. 2 months from Sandheads today.
Sunday May 22nd. 1859.
Fine day sharp & Cold. fine breeze sprung up at 12 ocl yesterday & continues today. 170 miles to the northward of the Cape today read Exs. [Exodus] & some of Guthries Sermon
Monday May 23rd. 1859.
Fine Cold Sharp day. 145 Miles today. off Oliphant river. in 32° something & 12 something. read account in the Calcutta review of Dr. Leyden. Got from Payne. expect to be in St. Helena in about 10 days.
Tuesday May 24th.1859.==
[Underscored: Queens birth day] Cool & Cloudy. finished at 11 OC today ([underscored: Hooks all in the wrong]) Cabin after nearly three days steady
p. 261
at Sea
Monday July 11th. 1859.
Fine breeze in the WSW when it fell light. did 114 miles today on our Course. 1510 miles from England by Calculation.
Tuesday July 12th. 1859.
Quite Calm today & very warm a great quantity of fish like Bonito about & several small ones. been no wind all night expect wind soon as it want only 3 days of full moon. tried to catch some fish today but would not take the bait. Therm 77°.
Wednesday July 13th. 1859.
This day last year left Calcutta for Akyab in the "Cape of Good Hope" nearly dead Calm since yes- terday we have made 7 miles N & 9 E. slow work. do not know when we will reach England at this rate. large numbers of fish about. A Yankee ship about 5 miles to windward