Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Cape of Good Hope

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 103
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p. 103

Cape encountered gale after gale blowing right in the teeth. The Capt. & crew cursed the wind that would not let them get on their voyage. He was visited by punishment in the following manner. He was condemned for the rest of his life to beat against the wind & endeavour to get round the Cape & never to succeed. [Capt scored through] the story is current among the sailors & it is said that if any ship chances to sight the phantom ship, they are [Sure scored through] afterwards sure to encounter a heavy gale & be destroyed. The Capt. & I were talking over the story the other night. & he says there is often seen in these regions towards dusk a shadow resembling a ship & what is in all probability thereflection of a ship from the other side of the horizon. So much for the sailors yarn, & as we were luckily only compelled to beat against the wind one week, we could not complain at that time the wind came fair & on the second of April we got into Table

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 105
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p. 105

Went to go on board the "Adelaide" steamer bound from China with invalids home Dadson had a brother badly wounded in China & expected it possible that he might be on board there. We got alongside just as she got steam up and was under way. We hailed & inquired. We were answer in the negative. I was disappointed in not getting a letter on board her for you as she carried a mail home. We next went on board the "Octavia" there I saw my old friend Dr. Taylor. Visit to Constantia as related before. parley from Mr. Young. house in portobello Asked Robt. Hunte to write again before leaving the Cape. dispatched on the 20th April p. S.S. Dante to reach England on June 1st. Sent this leape Angus. Wrote also to Fred. Account of voyage & trip to Constantia. 13th. to 23rd. Living on board the

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 106
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p. 106

"Belgravia" in Table Bay. going on shore now & then. Call on Dadson frequently. was told by o'Halloran likely to be detained at the Cape. Cape races on the 19th. & 21st. & again today. first day Capt. & I walked there and saw the last race On the 20th. went on shore in the morning to post letters arrived just in time Mr Grainger took us to the library sat till 2 oclock & went on board to dinner. 21st. Colonel Apperly, Dr. Rogers & the Capt. went to the races in a car I got a horse from the Colonel day very hot had to get off coming back. dined with the Colonel in the evening. Went on board at 9 ocl 22nd. On board all day. two ships came into the bay today a British & Russian. Capt. White was buried today. he died of

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 123
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p. 123

hot skin & quick pulse for 2 or 3 days had been running about a good deal in the heat trying to get head money for troops &ce, I went up to Marine Office was told I would not get it as I had been sent on board the "Belgravia" expressly for that duty Called on Barry told him I had fever asked him to call on me at Mrs. Lowe's as instructed to take Lodgings there. he asked me to stay with him. I went up took possesion of T Barry's room. had strong emetic. up slept well after it during the night.

Monday July 12th. 1858

Had to get up early this morning to go on board stemr. Cape of God Hope for Akyab was on board an hour before I could get a Ghanie on going on board I found she would not sail

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 200
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p. 200

says Dadson has retd. from the Cape Called on Smith at Doveton College going up to Serampore in a fort night to be Editor of the Friend of India Mrs. I Child gone home & McLaren with Dysentery. Called back at S T Ho. returned on bd. at 5 Dibbs going out for a drive in a Buggy & take little Willie Law home went up with them Called at S T Ho. Dibbs went to Call on Dicey wenr up stair to wait Dibbs retd. about 8 took a drive round & went on bd. Cassiagni came on bd. & stayed all night met Beckett in going out this mg. said he was going on ev did not go. Mail sr. arrived

Sunday Feby. 13th. 1859==

Up at Sunrise buggy ordered for 10 to go up to Church late of coming went up with Dibbs

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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