Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Diamond Harbour (India)‏

Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.

p. 69
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p. 69

side The Gaspar Floating light arranged with the "Victoria" steam Tug to tow the ship to Calcutta fro R. 1800

October 14th

am at 5.30 Weighed & proceeded & tow of the "Victoria" through the [Gaspar?] channel. at 8 Sangor Light House NE 1/2 E Modte [Moderate] North wind & fine at 11.45 anchored off Mud Point in 6 fms [fathoms] Observed numbers of dead bodies floating by & the bank of the river was strewed with the bodies of men & animals.

October 15th

am at 7 Weighed & proceeded in tow at 9.30 Passed Diamond Harbour at 10.30 passed the James & Marys at 11 caught in an eddy both hawsers parted & the ship grounded forward on the bank of the river. at 11.30 The steamer towed the ship off the bank. anchored in 8 fms [fathoms] & veered to 15 fms [fathoms] at 1.30 PM weighed &

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29
p. 72
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p. 72

Clarence from Calcutta to Demerara Decr [December] 20th 1864

at daylight weighed & proceeded down the river in tow of the "Alexandra" at 7.18 passed [atchepore?] at 9.45 passed Diamond Harbour at 11 passed Mr. Greens ship the "Renown" being towed up the River at Noon crossed the Rangafullah at 1 Passed through Bedfords Channel at 5.30 anchored in Sangor in 6 1/2 fms [fathoms] & veered to 30 fms [fathoms] Sangor Light house NE by N.

Decr [December] 21st

at 5 weighed & proceeded in tow of the "Alexandra" through the Gaspar Channel, & made all sail (plain) at 10 Cast off the steamer & Mr. Fosbery Pilot left the ship. Noon light NE wind & fine weather. Outer Floating light NE 10 Latde [Latitude] 20.56 No Londe [Longitude] 88.8 E PM Moderate NE wind carrying all sail all the Port studg [studding] sls [sails]

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29
p. 145
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p. 145

knocked the Telegraphic Office away & gone on the other side of it. The "Andrew Henderson" coming about 5 PM concluded to despatch all infor- mation by the same vessel regarding ourselves &c. The weather throughout since then has been calm & clear with light airs prevailing from NWest. under present circumstances made no agreement with the "Martaban" for towage.

Saturday 8th October. Daylight the "Andrew Hen- derson" having proceeded up to town with des- patches from ship & ourselves got steam up & took Mr. Vaughan pilot on board, & went sounding up the Auckland Channel at 11 am Took ship in tow & proceeded up, carrying 4 fms [fathoms] half flood. All tide ganges destroyed by gale. 0.15 PM Mud point at 1 PM sighted the wreck of an Arab ship on Rangafulla Island (The ship "Ally" with 400 coolies bound to Mauritius Mr Worthington pilot all drowned but two or three coolies) Sighted the "Megna" pilot vessel aground off Hulida river 2.30 PM Diamond Harbour. The whole place in ruins & the river so strewed with dead bodies & cattle as to

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 148
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p. 148

at Mud Point the house was found standing, all the bunds being washed away & traces of the fury of the storm everywhere visible. At Diamond Harbour the "Bentick" Sanatarium had drifted anchor & all over the land; an Arab ship was sunk in Rangafulla Channel (island) another at Hospital Point; trees blown down everywhere & some torn up by the roots. The banks of the river as well as the river itself, were dotted with the bodies of cattle & human beings, further up the effects of the storm appears thicker & more disastrous from the more populous nature of the districts, all the villages on the banks of the river being razed to the ground.


The following letter from Midnapore gives a graphic description of the storm by one who was travelling from Ooloobariah & was caught in the midst of it.

I left Calcutta (Garden Reach) at 5 PM on Tues- day Octr [October] 4th & reached Ooloobariah at about 7.30 PM

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29
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