Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Ooloobariah

Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.

p. 148
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p. 148

at Mud Point the house was found standing, all the bunds being washed away & traces of the fury of the storm everywhere visible. At Diamond Harbour the "Bentick" Sanatarium had drifted anchor & all over the land; an Arab ship was sunk in Rangafulla Channel (island) another at Hospital Point; trees blown down everywhere & some torn up by the roots. The banks of the river as well as the river itself, were dotted with the bodies of cattle & human beings, further up the effects of the storm appears thicker & more disastrous from the more populous nature of the districts, all the villages on the banks of the river being razed to the ground.


The following letter from Midnapore gives a graphic description of the storm by one who was travelling from Ooloobariah & was caught in the midst of it.

I left Calcutta (Garden Reach) at 5 PM on Tues- day Octr [October] 4th & reached Ooloobariah at about 7.30 PM

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29
p. 149
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p. 149

It was raining & blowing rather hard from the North. I started from Ooloobariah in my buggy to drive the first stage at 8.30 but had not got 200 yards from the bungalow, before my mare fell badly on her haunches in the mud carrying away the splinter bar of the buggy & bursting the harness so badly that I had to cut the remainder away. I sent her back to the Bunga- low the buggy remaining where it wasm, coolies not being procurable until next day. I next sent for a palkee & bearers to take me this stage. This I procured about 10 PM when I started reaching my own dak at about 1.30 AM about half an hour after I started with these i.e. about 2 am it began to blow in heavy fitful gusts from the North so strong that I could not carry the torch light. This & the bad weather retarded my, so that at 6 am on Wednesday, I had only just reached the bank of the Roopnarangan which was only six miles from the first stage thus I had been 5 1/2 hours doing these six miles. On reaching

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29
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