Pages That Mention La Hoque
Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.
p. 124
May 1st continued
in sight to leeward to be the "La Hoque" from Melbourne 139 days out. at 3.30 clouding over. strong wind at SSW & hazy at 6.45 hove to & received on board Mr. Hicks pilot from the Scilly pilot vessel No 17 In Royals &c. Midnight strong SSW wind & hazy Wr [weather]
May 2nd
am strong wind at SSW & cloudy at 2 The [?start] Light bearing NNE made sail at daylight strong SSW wind & cloudy The "Star of the North" in company at 8 Strong wind at S by W & fine Wr [weather] at 10 saw the Isle of Wight bearing ENE Noon Decresing breeze & fine St. Catherines North 11 miles Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 50.25 No Londe [Longitude] by [?] 1.11 West Course N 73 E 246 miles Bar [Barometer] 30.00 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 30.14 Ther [Thermometer] air 56 water 50 at 2 Passed the [oners?] moderate wind at South at 6.30 Passed Beachy head at 7 Light wind at South & fine The "Scotia" steam tug