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James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 107

p. 107

dysentery. he fought at Delhi Dr. Livingstone & party arrived here yesterday on their expedition into Central Africa to find out highlands on which to settle. Mr. Moffat the old African Missionary I see with them. Dr. Kirk of Edin. & a geologist & photographer the people intend presenting Dr. L with a purse cont £840 & the party are feted on all sides. Friday 23rd. 12 oclock Been on board all this morning reading the Cape daily news & the Calcutta Englishman of the 14th Februay. May 15th. Went on shore with the Capt. & Capt. Grey. Visited Botan- ical Gardens. got rose to send home went on board to dinner Col. & Rogers on board. May 16th. Went Ashore this morning after breakfast. posted

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 111

p. 111

Friday May 21st 1858

Lat.36.54 Long: 27.13 109 miles

Saturday 22nd

6 o'clock passed ship bound to the westward Lat 37.12. Long 29.9. 95 miles

Sunday 23rd May

Lat. 37.43 Long: 33.22.6 205 High sea from the southward

Monday 24th May

Cloudy with frequent squalls & rain high SW sea running. Ship rolling very heavy. Lat: 37.56. Long 37.42 206.

Tuesday May 25th 1838.

Blowing hard. double reefed top sails

May 26th till June 19th

During this time we have been pursuing our course to Calcutta. We went as far as 80° East before doing much northing, high rolling sea

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 120
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p. 120

strength of its being told him that I hd mentioned the symptoms as resembling ague however I think it is quite beneath my dignity to take notice of such un gentlemanly behaviour.

Sunday June 27th. 1858

Between 3 & 4 hundred miles of Calcutta up early 6 oclock. read 2 chaptrs. in Genesis there has been no service in the ship since the soldiers left. Still in the daudrums. sighted a bark this [morning struch through] afternoon a long way to the eastward. 3 horses died. put overboard

Monday June 28th. 1858

Up before 6 this morning. Stayed on deck about 2 hours. the water commenced to change colour between 8 & 9 shewing that we are coming near land. about 6 oclock sighted Bony & pilot brig Sent us on [?] pilot Brig 28 North & by east. Stood on & made the light out at 8 oclock pilot Brig passed under our stern. We spoke her blue lights burned

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 121
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p. 121

at intervals of 1/2 an hour. 2 or 3 hard squalls. pilot cam on board about 9 oclock both shipd being hove to. knocked about all night good stiff squalls at intervals. Went to bed at 11 oclock

Monday June 29th. 1858

Got under weigh between 7 & 8 this morning passed a good many ships in tow of steamers a good stiff breeze blowing from the westward. Saugor Island sighted at 11 oclock What news will there be in Calcutta from home I am almost afraid to think God grant that all may be well (pilot Lord) News from India still fighting Sir Colin in disrepute (still in the daudrums) sitting opposite the Capt. at 12 oclock writing this he calls for some Mth. Asks pills to take some pains he has had blew a stiff squall from the N.W. this afternoon. Carried away fore yard & tore all set sail to shivers

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 122
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p. 122

Anchored a[t] Diamond harbour this evening.

June 30th. 1858 Wednesday

Took steamer up to Calcutta Capt. & I friends again. Called on Barry on my Arrival. Got a large bundle of letters & papers. Good news from home. letter from Kate acknowledging receipt of presents. No letters from Mr. Young Mr. Acheson or James Forbes.

July 1st. 1858 Thursday.

Wriote home. 13 days in Calcutta this time during which I paid all the debts I owed every one & sent £10- home. nothing very important occured. A good many cases of Cholera about. the weather very hot during the day. Continued to live on board the "Belgravia".

Saturday 19th July 1858 woke up with great headache

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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