Pages That Mention Calcutta
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
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with Gibraltar this afternoon but of course were so far out to sea to see it. Today we are in Latitude 39.33 N. Long 12.21 W. We have run 235 miles since yesterday at 12 oclock there being 60 miles in a degree sailing at this rate we should reach Calcutta in 45 days but we cannot get on so favourably generally. The breeze was strong last night & in our favour we are now 460 miles distant from Madeira which we will likely pass in 2 days. Thursday Augt. 29th 1857 Last night met the Cheif Engineer of the ship who is a Scotsman from Queensferry (we have not many Scotsmen on board.) he occupies a station in the ship equal to the Cheif Officer he has a very nice Cabin very well fitted up. we sat chatting till pretty late it is strange how some Scotsmen get friends here To night it is stormy the clouds are gathering the wind high & the sea also running high so we may look out for a stiff night of it Lat. 36 37 North Long: 13.44 230 miles
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certain [different - scored through] numbers 1,2,3 &ec they hoisted four of these pendants & by dint of perserverance & a good glass we made out her number & on turning up the book we found her ot be the "General Castell. We returned our number we then signalled where bound [underscored] they answered Maurituis [underscored] & asked where we were bound. We answered Calcutta We had by this time get far ahead & could not signal anymore We each however put up a pendant to show that we understood each other. I watched the Maneuvering with great interest & having a good glass I could make out the signals very well Lat 17.7 Long 26.23 218 miles
Friday Augt 28th 1857
The weather is now very warm especially this m'g the air is oppressive it makes me sweat like a Yank we sleep outisde the bedclothes at night now with our white ducks on & manage to sleep very cooly. We also keep our cabin door open & there is an open hatchway close beside we have put off steam today & are trusting to sail
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Marched past going to Railway for Raneegange Went with Walter across the Ferry to other side of Ganges. Saw the 42nd off in the Rail bid Walter Feilden Coleridge McDakin Christie good bye. how many of them will return to Calcutta & England? Returned with Shaw. got his garry to Gov't place. got back at 9-10 am. promise of Nana Sahibs head from Feilden. Nov 13th. up at 6 went to P office to inquire for letters, looked old letters (none). told there was none. returned home very dull what can have happened that there is no letter. I am sure Jessie or Mary must have written. Next to Dispy. after Tiffin 1st time. Shortly after a letter came all well at home thank God for that, Egan called in the eveng. Dined with us. What can be wrong with Fred that he has not written? Nov 14th. Rose this morning happy with the thought that my mother was well oh how it makes me feel for her to think of the tedious
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13th. Received an order to attend a Commitee of inspection of the Belgravia & also at the Commisariat on provisions of medical comforts for the use of troops on board
14th. Feby. Joined the 'Belgravia" Took leave of Capt. Goodwin Mr Johnston Dibbs. Left note to Hornby to Barry to settle his mess bill orders with Barry to draw my pay fully to remit 50 Cos.Rs. home monthly got my traps on board at 2 oclock left Kedgeree Calcutta Anchored at o clock. at Wrote a letter home.
15th Weighed Anchor at Anchored at at OClock
16th Weighed anchor at Oclock
17th Weighed Anchor at Anchored at a man fell overboard & was drifting [slowly struck through] swiftly past the ship when a rope was
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springing up, the last two nights have been squally with rain. Reading Hooper's Vade Mecum & I am: Harald, My. servant. not having got on board the ship just sailed as he was Coming alongside in a dingy with my clothes from the Dhobie & Cap, on the day we left Calcutta. Have got a Soldier named Hicks as a servant. Passed the evening reading letters from Home. Friday 26th till Wednesday 3rd. Mch. During this period the weather has been excessively hot, till the 1st of March the calm continued during which the heat was excessive. Lieut. Robinson R.A has been laid up with fever but is recovering. A good many of the soldiers have also been laid up with fever. We crossed the line yesterday & a light but favourable breeze is carrying us on slowly. the