Pages That Mention Watson, Joseph, 1823-1894
Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.
p. 9
[Flag in circle "Clarence" written at top arc]
Abstract Log.
of the E. I. East India Ship "Clarence" from London to Madras & Calcutta From Calcutta to St Helena and Demerara British Guiana and back to London.
In the years 1864 & 1865 commencing the 18th of June 1864 and ending the 3rd of May 1865 Rept. [Report] by Joseph Watson commander
p. 11
Crew list of the Clarence 1864 & 1865
1 | Joseph Watson | Commander | 20 | J. Mullins | Boatsns [Boatswain] Mate |
2 | Henry Berridge | 1st officer | 21 | H. Parrish | 2n Master |
3 | L. J. Bateman | 2nd do | 22 | N. Phillips | [ditto] |
4 | John Fulton | 3rd do | 23 | A. Lambert | [ditto] |
5 | Wm. Lee | 4th do | 24 | Jas. O'Brien | AB |
6 | Jh. Stevenson | 5th do | 25 | Lars Bergesen | [ditto] |
7 | Chas. Turner | Surgeon | 26 | D. McCarthy | [ditto] |
8 | Wm Adams | Carpenter | 27 | J. Glenn | [ditto] |
9 | H. Dimmett | Boatswain | 28 | T. Palmer | [ditto] |
10 | A. Howell | Sailmaker | 29 | F. M. Sarraway | [ditto] |
11 | G. Curry | Steward | 30 | J. Penfold | [ditto] |
12 | J. Howie | Captns [Captain's] Cook | 31 | E. Kelly | [ditto] |
13 | Jas. Dunn | Baker & ship cook died in Demerara | 32 | J. Thomas | [ditto] |
14 | T. W. Harrison | Butcher | 33 | R. Knight | [ditto] |
15 | J. Smith | Cuddy Servt [servant] | 34 | I. Clatworthy | [ditto] sent to jail in Cal. |
16 | W. Langdale | [ditto] | 35 | I. Wilson | AB |
17 | Thos. Andrews | Captn servt [Captain's servant] | 36 | I. Wellings | [ditto] |
18 | H. Williams | Engineer | 37 | F. Fuller | [ditto] |
19 | W. Parker | Boatswn [Boatswain] Mate | 38 | J. Lord | [ditto] |
p. 17
E. I. Ship Clarence
Joseph Watson Commander From London to Madras & Calcutta
June 18th 1864
at 11.15 AM, Hauled out of the East India Dock. in charge of Mr Martin Pilot & proceeded down the river in tow of the steam eng. [engine] "Caledonia" at 2.30 PM moored ship to the buoy off the town pier Gravesend.
June 19th
Fresh SW wind & fine. The "Winchester" sailed PM with thalf the 18th Regiment of Hussars.
June 20th
Fresh SW wind & fine troops provisions were sur- veyed employed taking in baggage tc.
June 21st
at noon embarked the Head Quarters of the 18th Hussars consisting of 15 officers and 3 ladies 257 men 33 women 4 children over 10 years & 32 under 10, together with all their baggage
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took the ship in tow. at Midnight Mr. Gasson trinity pilot came on board & took charge. Dungeness NNW
May 3rd
am at 2 Passed through the Downs Moderate breeze at South & veering to the Eastd [Eastward] at 5 Passed the tongue light vessel unbent the sails at 8.30 Passed Southern fresh SW wind & fine Wr [weather] at 1 Passed Gravesend at 4.30 Hauled the ship into the West India Docks & made her fast & here ends this log Joseph Watson
p. 127
From the Englishman Calcutta Octr 15th 1864 The ship Clarence
The following has been kindly forwarded to us by Captain J. Watson dated ship "Clarence" Sands Heads October 12th.
Sir, My I request you to publish the following information in your valuable journal, in relation to the position of the "Clarence" during the late dis- astrous storm, at the time that I was within its influence in the Bay of Bengal on the 4th instant. I left Madras in this ship on the 22nd of September for Calcutta. I have usually, at this season, taken fresh SW winds up to the Sand Heads. But I experienced, in the latter end of September, a series of of light SE -- East, and NE winds & calms, with intensely hot weather. The Ther. [Thermometer] being at 90 in the shade on more than one occasion. October was ushered in with a continuation of light East and NE winds & calms. Bar. [Barometer] generally at about 29.90; but the weather began to be