Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Via delle Cantarelle

Diary of a trip on the Nile River, 1874-1875.

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Nov. 9 Monday - Excursion to Fiesole, but weather too windy. Charming views. Went into the old church of St. Alexander, an old woman showed us about, but it was so dark + disagreeable that we could scarcely see. Into the Duomo, fine tomb + bust of a bishop by Mino da Fiesole. Went into the low curious crypt also under the choir. Beggars + persons selling straw goods followed us.

Nov. 10 Tuesday San Lorenzo. [The] two pulpits finely designed by Donatello in the nave, also a beautiful balcony. Cosimo il Vecchio is buried beneath a large slab in front of the high altar, he died 1464 + the title of "Pater Patriae" was given him a year after his death. In the old Sacristy is a bust of him. And under a large white marble table in the centre is the sarcophogus of his parents. Went around to Via delle Cantarelle + entering a low arched crypt + up a narrow flight of stairs to the Medician chapel - a grand burying place for a family. The building is hexagonal with six sarcophogus alternating red + grey granite a cushion with the dried coronet on each + two of them have a full lenth

Last edit over 4 years ago by kleclair
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