Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Lowesloft

Robert Suggate journal and commonplace book, 1874-1878.

p. 15
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p. 15


70 Sumatra

71 Macao and Lintin

72 Sailors' Leave on Shore at Canton

73 Pulo Penang or Prince of Wales Island

74 Seamens' work when at Sea

75 Singapore

76 The Thames

77 The River Arun and Arundel

78 The Yare River

79 The Tyne River

80 From Newcastle by Land

81 Cromer in Norfolk

82 Brighton

84 A new Night-Mare

87 Phoebe Hessel

88 Shoreham, Worthing, Bognor

89 Hastings

90 Lowestoft

92 The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads

94 Gloucester City

95 The Range of Cliff from Lowesloft to Yarmouth

97 The Robin and the Snake

99 The Sea-Side walk from Gorleston Haven.

101 Tunbridge Wells.

102 Gravesend

103 The Pelican Island

104A Exeter, Exmouth, and Sidmouth.

104 Bath

105 Calne

106 Stamford

107 Loddon and Brooke.

108 Ipswich

109-110 Southwold

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29
p. 21
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p. 21


at Lowesloft, or a village day school near by, but I confess I liked equally well to shoulder my great grandfather's old musket, a regular old "Brown Bess," which I was the happy possessor of, and with a few charges of powder and shot, march to the fields to frighten the rooks and small birds from the newly sown seed, and I will recollect the anger of my father when he discovered that, to make the old gun look more like a fowling piece, I had cut off a long piece of the stock which like all muskets extended nearly up to the muzzle. Again when evening came I was proud to be on the back, sleek and broad as it was, of my favorite '[Dodman?]' as we called him, with his black shining coat, and good tempered looking face, as I took him and his yokefellows on a summer's evening to their night's pasture. 'Gipsey' was my next favorite, she was a 'fast-one' and always ready to give the 'go by' to anything on the road, but her temper was not like my '[Dodman?]'s', no coaxing or cunning would entice her from the meadow easily, she was not to be caught with chaff. Whilst my '[Dodman?]' after a good scamper round the field when he saw what my errand was, would fling his heels into the air and then walk up to me and poke his nose right into the bridle.

Fishing was another of my favorite amusements for leisure time, and on the

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