Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention East India Company

Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.

p. 9
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p. 9

[Flag in circle "Clarence" written at top arc]

Abstract Log.

of the E. I. East India Ship "Clarence" from London to Madras & Calcutta From Calcutta to St Helena and Demerara British Guiana and back to London.

In the years 1864 & 1865 commencing the 18th of June 1864 and ending the 3rd of May 1865 Rept. [Report] by Joseph Watson commander

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29
p. 17
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p. 17

E. I. Ship Clarence

Joseph Watson Commander From London to Madras & Calcutta

June 18th 1864

at 11.15 AM, Hauled out of the East India Dock. in charge of Mr Martin Pilot & proceeded down the river in tow of the steam eng. [engine] "Caledonia" at 2.30 PM moored ship to the buoy off the town pier Gravesend.

June 19th

Fresh SW wind & fine. The "Winchester" sailed PM with thalf the 18th Regiment of Hussars.

June 20th

Fresh SW wind & fine troops provisions were sur- veyed employed taking in baggage tc.

June 21st

at noon embarked the Head Quarters of the 18th Hussars consisting of 15 officers and 3 ladies 257 men 33 women 4 children over 10 years & 32 under 10, together with all their baggage

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29
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