Pages That Mention Kolkata (India)
Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.
p. 9
[Flag in circle "Clarence" written at top arc]
Abstract Log.
of the E. I. East India Ship "Clarence" from London to Madras & Calcutta From Calcutta to St Helena and Demerara British Guiana and back to London.
In the years 1864 & 1865 commencing the 18th of June 1864 and ending the 3rd of May 1865 Rept. [Report] by Joseph Watson commander
p. 11
Crew list of the Clarence 1864 & 1865
1 | Joseph Watson | Commander | 20 | J. Mullins | Boatsns [Boatswain] Mate |
2 | Henry Berridge | 1st officer | 21 | H. Parrish | 2n Master |
3 | L. J. Bateman | 2nd do | 22 | N. Phillips | [ditto] |
4 | John Fulton | 3rd do | 23 | A. Lambert | [ditto] |
5 | Wm. Lee | 4th do | 24 | Jas. O'Brien | AB |
6 | Jh. Stevenson | 5th do | 25 | Lars Bergesen | [ditto] |
7 | Chas. Turner | Surgeon | 26 | D. McCarthy | [ditto] |
8 | Wm Adams | Carpenter | 27 | J. Glenn | [ditto] |
9 | H. Dimmett | Boatswain | 28 | T. Palmer | [ditto] |
10 | A. Howell | Sailmaker | 29 | F. M. Sarraway | [ditto] |
11 | G. Curry | Steward | 30 | J. Penfold | [ditto] |
12 | J. Howie | Captns [Captain's] Cook | 31 | E. Kelly | [ditto] |
13 | Jas. Dunn | Baker & ship cook died in Demerara | 32 | J. Thomas | [ditto] |
14 | T. W. Harrison | Butcher | 33 | R. Knight | [ditto] |
15 | J. Smith | Cuddy Servt [servant] | 34 | I. Clatworthy | [ditto] sent to jail in Cal. |
16 | W. Langdale | [ditto] | 35 | I. Wilson | AB |
17 | Thos. Andrews | Captn servt [Captain's servant] | 36 | I. Wellings | [ditto] |
18 | H. Williams | Engineer | 37 | F. Fuller | [ditto] |
19 | W. Parker | Boatswn [Boatswain] Mate | 38 | J. Lord | [ditto] |
p. 12
Crew list of the Clarence 1864 & 1865
39 | H. Watt | AB | 51 | J. Gumbrell | Pantry boy |
40 | S. Coleman | [ditto] | 52 | Chas. Branch | 3rd mates servt [servant] died at Demerara |
41 | W. Ward | [ditto] | 53 | John Ames | Midshipman |
42 | M. O. Hea | Fiddler | 54 | Chas. Leigh | " drowned at Madras |
43 | H. Smith | OS. sent to jail in Cal. | 55 | A. Polhill Jeans | Midn [Midshipman] |
44 | J Walters | OS | |||
45 | C. Andrews | [ditto] | |||
46 | F. Young | [ditto] | |||
47 | J. McDermott | Boy | |||
48 | J. Thompson | [ditto] | |||
49 | P. Leary | [ditto] | |||
50 | E. Price | [ditto] |
p. 13
Passengers by the Clarence to Madras & Calcutta
Cole Rich and Knox Commnd [Commander] the 18th Regt [Regiment] Hussars
Captain Tisdall 18th Hussars
[ditto] Stewart [ditto]
Lieut Murray [ditto]
Lieut Hughes [ditto]
Lieut Yeldham [ditto]
Mrs Yeldman & two children & nurse
Cornet Watkins [ditto]
[ditto] Poynter [ditto]
[ditto] Chapman [ditto] Adjutant Baynes [ditto]
Quarter Master Pickles [ditto]
Asst Surgeon Griffin, unattached in charge (medl) [(medical)]
Captain Bryant H. M. 18th Royal Irish Regt [Regiment]
Ensign Downie [ditto]
Major Rammell Madras Army
p. 14
Passengers by the Clarence to Madras & Calcutta 1864
Mrs. Pickles wife of Lt Mr Pickles 18th Hussars
Miss Nicholl
Miss Hull
Mr Roberts for Calcutta
Mr Irving [ditto]
237 men of the 18th Hussars
27 women [ditto]
4 children over 10 [ditto]
32 [ditto] under 10 [ditto]
20 men of the 18th Regt [Regiment] Royal Irish
6 women [ditto]
[oval photograph of a dog] Nelson the Regimental dog