Pages That Mention Lacaffagne, Michael
The farmer's library, or, Ohio intelligencer, v. 2, no. 69 (May 6, 1802)
Page 4
Frome THE BEE--A Republican Paper printed at New London, Connecticut.
ON the 4th of March, 1802, the citizens affembled at Killingworth & commemorated the ever memorable 4th of March, 1801--a day worthy to be engraven on the heart of every American ; the day when our illuftrious patriot afcended the chair of ftate.
At 12_ o'clock a cannon was fired, after which the following toafts were drank, each being announced by the difcharge of a cannon, under the direction of capt. Noah Lefter.
1. The people of the United States, free and happy. May they be actuated by pure principles of patriotifm, and by their fuffrages proclaim to the world their independence.
2. The Prefident of the United States--the patriot, the hero and the ftatefman May he ever merit the approbation of his conftituents, and remain fhielded from the darts of calumniating ariftocrats.
3. The Vice Prefident of the United States. May he inflexibly remain the friend of republicanifm, and a dread to the diforganizing phalanx.
4. The memory of George Wafhington. May he never be forgotten, but held in facred remembrance by all.
5. The Congrefs of the U. States. May they continue energetically to contend for the rights of man, emancipate the citizens from all unneceffary burthens, & erect the tree of liberty over the afhes of departing tyranny.
6. The 4th of July '96. May it ever be venerated and held in perpetual remembrance by the fons of Columbia.
7. The 17th of February, 1801, that ever memorable epoch which evinced to the world the practicability of a republican government, and eftablished American freedom on the rock of independence.
8. The 4th of March 1801. Victory without arms ; the cloudlefs day which fecured to the citizens freedom of election, freedom of religion, freedom of fpeech and freedom of the prefs.
9. The militia well difciplined ; our only reliance in peace, and for the firft moments of war until regulars fhall relieve them.
10. A judiciary made for the benefit of the people, not the people made for the benefit of the judiciary.
11. The clergy. May they honor their profeffion, and not permit the facredotal garb to be ftained by a deviation therefrom.
12. Connecticut. May fhe once more affert her republican fentiments, and thereby evince that her recent errors ought to be imputed to the head and not to the heart.
13. Our navy. May it cruife in defence of our liberty, and prove the deftruction of tyrants and fea robbers.
14. The tree of liberty. May its branches extend over the whole earth and every perfon tafte of its fruits.
15. Ariftocracy. May it find no afylum in this land of liberty, but be driven into obfcurity by the fuffrages of the fons of freedom.
16. The kifs of Judas, the hypocrite's paint, and pharifee's prayer on the phiz of ariftocracy--May they no longer betray or delude.
After which the citizens retired to the houfe of Mr. Samuel Crane, where they partook of a fplendid and plentiful repaft, with the greateft hilarity, conviviality, decency and mirth.
I WISH to purchase a likely Negro Man. OBADIAH NEWMAN.
THE Thoroughbred Sorrel Horse late the property of Captain George Grey]] : Will ftand the ensuing Season at my Plantation on Bear-Grass, and will be let to Mares at the moderate price of Eour Dollars sent with each Mare, Five Dollars paid within the season, or Six Dollars, paid in produce by the twenty-fifth of December next.
GIFT was got by young Mexican, his dam by Hart's imported Horse Medley ; his grand dam by the noted Horse Polyphemus ; his great grand dam by Paylor's Old Fearnought, out of the celebrated Mare Betty Blazilla ; fhe was got by the Duke of Devonfhire's Horse Blaze, out of Jenny Cammeron ; fhe was imported by the Hon. John Tayloe, and decended from as good a ftock as any in England.
Young Mexican was got by the imported horse Mexican, out of Young Ebony, who was got by Don Carlos, out of Young Selima ; his great grand dam was Mr. Brent's noted Mare Old Ebony, who was got by the noted Horse Othello, out of Col. Tascoe's imported Mare Selima, who was got by the Godolphin Arabian.
Don Carlos was got by Dove, imported by Doctor Hamilton of Maryland, out of Stella, a full fifter to Ebony.
Polyphemus was got by Yorrick ; his dam Young Selima, was got by the noted Horse Old Fearnought, out of Old Selima.
Yorrick was got by Morton's Old Traveller, out of Betty Blazilla.
Good pafturage gratis for Mares that are sent from a distance, but I will not be liable for accidents or escapes.
P. S. The following articles of produce will be received in payment, viz. Wheat delivered at any of the Merchant Mills on Goose-Creek or Bear Grass Hemp, Country Linen or Sugar at the market price.
R. T. March 4th 1802.
A REWARD of Four Dollars will be given to any one who will take up and deliver to the Subfcriber, at his Plantation about 6 miles from Louifville and near Shively's mill, a Bay Mare about 7 years old, 15 hands high --branded on the near fhoulder I. E. and fhod all round : Alfo, a Bay yearling Colt.
[image of a horse being led by a man] BUONAPARTE,
A HIGH bred HUNTER, Eight years old, Seventeen hands high, of uncommon ftrength and activity ; Will ftand this Seafon at the Stable of JACOB AUGUSTUS, and will be let to cover Mares at Forty Shillings Cafh. Corn, Wheat, Pork, Salt, Country Sugar and Linen will be received in payment at their market prices, if delivered by the firft day of December next. But the fame may be difcharged by the payment of FIVE DOLLARS within the Seafon, which will end on the firft day of Auguft next -- Every attention will be paid, but I will not be liable for accidents.
BUONAPARTE was got by Colonel Burwell's imported Hunter Emperor ; his dam by Logan ; grand dam by the imported Ofcar ; great grand dam by the imported Mark Anthony ; great, great grand dam by Morton's Traveller. Logan was got by Colonel Zane's well known Hunter Ranger, on a Mare for which with a fucking [sucking] colt by her fide, Colonel Charles M. Thruften gave Major Thomas Maffie of Virginia. One Thoufand Dollars in Specie. I have in my poffeffion, well authenticated certificate of BUONAPARTE's pedigree, which, may be feen by any one on application.
JACOB AUGUSTUS. Feb. 25, 1802. 59tf.
A FINE Chesnut-Sorrel, Five years old next June, near 15 & a half hands high, exceeded by few Horses in the ftate for form, muscle and activity : Will ftand this Season, at my Stable in Jefferson County and will be let to Mares at Forty Shillings each. Wheat, Corn, Salt, Pork, Country Linen and Country Sugar will be received in payment at their Cafh prices, if delivered at my house by the 1ft of December next ; but the same may be discharged by the payment of five Dollars within the Season, which will end on the 10th day of July.
FLAGEOLET was got by Thilman's Lamplighter ; his dam by Handel ; grand dam by Cambden ; great grand dam by Spanking Roger ; great great grand dam by Old Jolly Roger.
Lamplighter was got by Hart's Old Medley ; his dam by Lonfdale, out of Colonel Braxton's imported Mare, Kitty Fifher -- Handel was got by Dandridge's Fearnought, out of Colonel Thornton's noted thorough bred Mare Old Willis--and to Cambden, Spanking Roger and Old Jolly Roger are traced the beft ftrains of running horfes now in Virginia.
I have now in my poffeffion Certificates which will fatisfy any gentleman that the above is a true pedigree. I am not to account for accidents.
SAMUEL WELLS. March 8th, 1802. 59-tf.
KENTUCKY. Jefferfon February Court of Quarter-Seffions, 1802. Thomas Carneal, Complainant, } against, Michael Lacaffagne's Executors & Devifees, Defendants } } In Chancery.
THE Defendant, Jenny Lacaffagne, not having entered her appearance herein agreeably to law and the rules of faid Court, and it appearing to the fatisfaction of the Court that fhe is not an inhabitant of this State : On the motion of the Complainant by his Counfel it is ordered, that fhe appear here on the tenth day o f the next May Term and anfwer the Complainants Bill, otherwife the fame will be taken as CONFESSED ; and it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be inferted eight weeks in the FARMER'S LIBRARY, or OHIO INTELLIGENCER fucceffively ; that another copy be read at Steele's Meeting Houfe in Louifville, on fome Sunday immediately after Divine fervice fhall have been performed ; and that another copy be pofted up on the front door of the Court-Houfe of this County.
A Copy, Teft,
WORDEN POPE, Cl'k, [61--8-w]
THAT fome time laft winter, a G entleman who did not make his n ame known to me, left in my poffeffion a negro Boy about fixteen years old, named Simon. The gentleman informed me that the Boy was to be ufed as a witnefs againft the negroes who murdered the Davifes, upon the the Miffiffippi laft year, and would be called for in the courfe of a fhort time. No application having been made for the Boy, I am induced to believe that the lawful owner don't know where to find him. The Boy fays that he was purchafed in Baltimore by the faid Davifes ; and he may be had by the legal owner on application to me, about five or fix miles from Louifville, Jefferfon County, Kentucky.
JOHN EDWARDS. April 14th 1802. [66-tf
FOR SALE. The following Lots of Land in the ILLINOIS GRANT, Viz. No's.--48--105--132--166--217-- 242--365--For terms apply to WORDEN POPE. Louifville, Feb. 4th, 1801.
[image of a hand pointing right] INSINUATIONS having been made that injuftice has been done, in the Clerk's Office, to Frederick Bartlett Efquire, late Sheriff of Jefferfon County in Motions made, and Judgments and Executions obtained againft him : And there being no better way of repelling fuch vague and bafe flanders than by a demonftration of the contrary by the record, I requeft the Securities of faid Bartlett to make an appointment and meet at my Office, and infpect the Records of the Court. I regret that I can fee in this bufinefs the fecret hand of a Locvian Orator. WORDEN POPE. April 7th, 1805.