Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention Joseph Hite

John May land entry book, 1783-1786

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4 [sketch map] 500 Acres Surveyed for Samuel Beall 500 acres of Land in Jefferson County by virtue of part of a Treasury Warrant No 1852 and part of an entry of 3000 acres adjoining the Lands of John Cowan and the Military Surveys on the Ohio beginning on the north side of the south fork of Harrods Creek at two Sugar Trees and a Sycamore corner to Joseph Hite's Settlement & preemption and Philip Ross with Ross's line north 53 E 400 poles to a Buckeye, Elm & Sugar Tree corner to Ross's Survey N 37 W 362 poles to two Sugar Trees Dogwood & Beech in David Crawfords Preemption line with the same S 14 W 460 to a Poplar, Elm, Sugar Tree & [struck: Hoopwood] Ironwood on the north Bank of the South fork of Harrods Creek up the same binding thereon to the Beginning. November 14th: 1784 Alexander Breckenridge a copy Will May S.J.C.

___ [sketch map] 600 Surveyed for Samuel Beall 600 acres of Land in Jefferson County 500 by virtue of part of a Treasury Warrant No 1853 & part of an entry of 3000 acres adjoining the Lands of John Cowan and the Military Surveys on the Ohio, Beginning at two Sugar Trees and a Mulberry on the Bank of Harrods Creek a corner to Joseph Hites Settlement and preemption thence with Hites line north 53 E 494 poles to two Sugar Trees and a Sycamore on the [inserted above: South] Bank of the South fork of Harrods Creek thence down the same with its meanders 402 poles to its mouth thence down the meanders of Harrods Creek 571 Poles to the Beginning November 4. 1784. Alexr. Breckenridge asst a Copy Will May S.J.C.

Last edit 9 months ago by MKMcCabe
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