Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention William Dunbar

John May land entry book, 1783-1786

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3 [sketch] 2000 Acres 500 Acre Survey at two Walnuts & Hickory thence North 35 East 327 1/2 poles to a Cherry tree & White oak thence N 55 W 978 poles & crossing Bullskin to two White Oaks and Black Oaks, S 35 W 327 1/2 poles to a Black Oak and Sugar tree, thence S 55 E 978 poles to the Beginning passing a Corner of his 500 Acre Survey & running with a line thereof April 12. 1785 Amos Hogland William Dunbar } C.C. Richd Woolfolk D.S.J.C. a Copy Will. May S.J.C.

___ [sketch] 500 Acres Surveyed for Samuel Beall 500 Acres of Land in Jefferson County by Virtue of part of a Treasury Warrant No 1854 on Bullskin a Branch of Brashears Creek Beginning at three Sugar trees in the Gap of a Ridge by a small drain about one mile & an half below Harrods old Trace thence N 55 W 28 poles to Benjamin Logan's corner of his Settlement & Preemption and with the said Logan's line the same course continued, in all 400 poles to two Sugar Trees and a Hoop Ash near Bullskin thence S 35 W 200 poles and crossing Bullskin to two Beeches & Walnut S 55 E 400 poles to two Walnuts & Beech near Bullskin thence N 35 E 200 poles and crossing Bullskin to the Beginning. April 12 1785 William Dunbar Amos Hogland } C.C. Richard Woolfolk D.S.J.C. a Copy signed Will May S.J.C.

Last edit 9 months ago by MKMcCabe
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