Pages That Mention Anthony Wayne
Letter from General Anthony Wayne to Isaac Shelby, 26 September 1793
Page 2
up the deficiency of mounted volunteers in a proportion of two for one ie two footmen for one horseman, of which deficiency you will be able to Judge after Saturday next.
Notwithstanding the men may be drafted_ all such as ccome forward properly mounted and equiped shall be considered as mounted voluneers and paid accordingly on condition they join the Legion and the other volunteers at the head of the line on or before the 15 October next.
I am with very Sincere Esteem & respect Your Excellencys most obgd [obliged} & very huml[humble] Servant Anty [Anthony] Wayne
His Excelly [Excellency] I Shelby Esq. Gov [?&c &c] /copy/
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[written in landscape orientation] Letter Maj. Gen. Wayne to Gen. Shelby 26 Sept 1793 [date underscored]