Pages That Mention Banister
Letter from John May to Samuel Beall, 30 August 1779
Page 3
at the Falls of the Ohio wch. is the Land Mr Todd alludes to : It is very fine, has every natural advantage & lies adjoining the Place where a Town will be laid off next Assembly. I have several Times been on Terms with them about it & if you approve of it when I come down [illegible] [illegible]pose the Matter to them again
Your old Friend Col - Banister has for 10 Days past been very ill with a bilious Fever; but is recovering; I came here last night & mentioned your want of Flour, but he informed me he had sent you some the Day before. _ I have got much better myself than I was when I left Wmsburg but am far from being perfectly restored. I am Dr Sir yr Friend John May Battersea the 30th Augt 1779 } Mr Saml Beall