Pages That Mention Harrison
Robert McAfee's Company Memorandum Book, 1813-1814
Page 3
88 us in all our movements. I had a remarkable Dream last night which I communicated to my [Mrs?] in the morning assuring them that I had a firm confidence in taking either Tecumseh or Proctor but I believd that we would only get one of them it was as follows that I was annoyed by a Rattlesnake that had been considerd as an old offender in a certain place, that after a considerable struggle we caught and killed him and cut off his head, this little circum: :stance impressed itself so strong upon my mind that I felt a complete confidence in having a battle I thot we would have a victory which would [illegible] in the destruction of one of our old enemies, Id frequently assured my men not to dispair that I fully believed that we would overtake & conquer them - - - - October 3d. we marchd at day Light having first sent back 100 men to guard and bring up our artillery consisting of two six pounders drawn oncarriages we marchd very Rapidly 12 miles to the mouth of the River Thames around which is an open [prairie?] for several mils. Just above which there is two bad craeks [illegible[ over which is placed two bridges [here?] our Spies with Genl Harrison & Col Johnson with