Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention Governor Randolph

Letter from Arthur Campbell to John Brown, 29 December 1787

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Richmond Dec.29th.1787


It will no doubt be pleasing for you to hear that a vast multitude of emigrants hath passed through the wilderness, this season, to Kentucky, and Cumberland, and to the joy and admiration of many with out the least molestation from the Indians. I could assure Congress that so fortunate an event, would hardly have taken place from the measures of their late Super. - But it was chiefly owing to the industry of other instruments, under the auspices of Governor Randolph. There is now a probability that the peace will be broken, from the injudicious and ill-conceited war begun against the Creek Indians, which I fear will spread to Holstein Kentucky, and Cumberland; and eventually make enemies of the three other southern tribes. - And all this mischief impending,

Last edit 6 months ago by edmundcjoconnor
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