Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention Botetourt

Letter from John May to Samuel Beall, 15 April 1780.

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of navigation. I propose also to go to the Illinois where I expect something considerable may be done in the Land way. I wrote to you from Botetourt advising you to purchase old Officers Surveys as soon as possable, I now repeat the advice: you need not hesitate about Price provided you can [struck: find? it] get it on the River at or near the Falls; the Prices here are past all Conception, and for those Places in a short Time a Man may make his own Terms. The Land [which] I have seen exceeds my Expectat[illegible] for Goodness of Quality, but falls short as to the adva[illegible] water & navigation; but I have not been within [illegible] Miles of the Ohio River yet. The Land I have located [illegible] low down on the Ohio River or some of its [illegible] to [illegible] as much more there as I can in preferen[illegible] some thing better, more remote.

Mr Samuel Beall adieu John May

P. [illegible] we have just now heard of 4 other persons being killed near us which I fear will prevent us from surveying for some Time. April 17th 1780

Last edit 9 months ago by MKMcCabe
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