Pages That Mention M.K.Heriot
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
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gone over the hill. [Written above: took quarters at] Whites with Willie & Jessie August 5th. Dressed & went to Edin. to attend Alexanders wedding. Was kept 1/2 an hour later than intended by the non arrival of the Portobello train & so missed Carr. took a cab at the N.B. Station went to the "Clarence" for Carr found him gone drove to the Church (Trinity Church Dean Bridge) found the party assembling. Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Mrs. Tait Mrs. Heriot Dr. & Mrs. Struthers Mr. & [Struck through:Heriot][Written above: Miller John Alexander Lucy Allen David McGibbon Mary & Janie Renford Hindmarsh Dr. Brown Carr Annie Greig Geo Hughes Mrs. Allen M.K.Heriot Wm. Sanders M. Heriot L.A.Miller Mr. Faithful & Heriot John Allen Wm. Greig Alex Allen
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with all young ladies Quadrilles Schottisch (Highland) &ce. M.K.H. (pretty) left about one AM asked to sing. Mrs. Struthers accom paning. Mrs. [struck through: Rutherfo] Haldane & Mary Heriot sang in the course of the evening. (Mrs H) "I wish I were where Geordie Rins" Walked to Portobello after being accompanied part of the way by Carr & John Allen. Asked by Struthers to go with party to Arthur seat on 6th Augt. 6th. Called at Struthers & went with party to Arthur seat about one after some lunch. ladies drove to Dunsappie. Struthers Brown Heriot John & Alex. Allen & myself walking. Went mostly
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heavily was obliged to wait till the party came back saw Mrs Tait Mrs. Heriot Mary H & M.K.H.. Mrs. Allen got a peice of Indes cake & left when the rain cleared off a little met Mr Heriot in Princes St. Called for Willie at the office & went by train with him & Paterson. Met Dr. Littlejohn on Waverly Bridge & spoke to him
Augt 8 Went by coach in the Mg. to Edin. & to N.B. station & saw Carr Mr. Heriot. Mary & Jane Hindworth the 3 latter went to Wooler Mr. H took leave rapidly. Struthers appointed professor in Aberdeen