Pages That Mention Dunsappie
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 341
with all young ladies Quadrilles Schottisch (Highland) &ce. M.K.H. (pretty) left about one AM asked to sing. Mrs. Struthers accom paning. Mrs. [struck through: Rutherfo] Haldane & Mary Heriot sang in the course of the evening. (Mrs H) "I wish I were where Geordie Rins" Walked to Portobello after being accompanied part of the way by Carr & John Allen. Asked by Struthers to go with party to Arthur seat on 6th Augt. 6th. Called at Struthers & went with party to Arthur seat about one after some lunch. ladies drove to Dunsappie. Struthers Brown Heriot John & Alex. Allen & myself walking. Went mostly