Pages That Mention William Crow
Letter from John May to Samuel Beall, 29 April 1780
Page 11
Acct of Money drawn for to wit An Order in Favour of William Crow - [pound symbol]16664:12 Do in Favour of Majr Thompson - 17266:18:8 33931:10:8
Put into my Hands by Majr Thompson - 8332:6 To be advanced by Do at the Treasury - 8633:8:8 Amo of stock upon the new Plan - [pound symbol]50897:5:6
In which Saml Beal Esqr, Majr George Thompson & John May are equally ~ interested
P. S. I have not Time to copy the list of Entries for the Atto you will therefore send him a copy of the one enclosed. You can inform him what Part of the land comes under the Proclamation according to the former construction thereof and upon these there will be no necessity for entering Caveats. I am convinced that Caveats will be in this Case but if they should, I think it would be proper to try the legality of our Claims, wch if adjudged agst us may be helped by taking out Grants upon the Judts of the General Court. If you should protest my Orders (which God forbid, as my Order will be effectually destroyed thereby) pray engage some other Person to advance the Money for me on the best Terms you can; but I hope there is no Danger of your refusing, as it is the last and only Time that such an Opportunity has or probably will offer
Yr Hum servt John May