Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention Nathaniel Randolph

Letter from John May to Samuel Beall, 29 April 1780

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such Cases as soon as possible and take the proper steps for bringing them on to Trial, for sure we be obliged hereater to pay the stole Price, the sooner that Matter is determined the better. I have had a good deal of Conversation with Mr Nathl Randolph and find him to be a sensible intelligent and prudent Man; he is Partnership with Col Clark and has very extensive views in the Trading Way: should you at a proper Time, embark in that scheme this man I think would [page damaged- be] a valuable acquisition to the Company, as that Part of the Business respecting the navigation up the Missip-pi, could be more properly conducted under his direc-tion than under any other Person's in this Quarter. We are likely to interfere in our locations and on that acct are about throwing our land into one common stock and hereafter divide; he is the only Person except my Brothers in whom I can repose any confidence, and is the only one acquainted with the Country below the Falls where I wish to locate. I have such Information already, as will enable me to make tolerable locations, but if we agree I think I should do better. - I am so hurried & confused & have been so for en Days past, not having one Moment free from Bustle & Crouds & being obliged to write in a Corner without a Table & numbers continually talking to me so that you must excuse the incorrectness & tediousness of this Epistle; for my Ideas have not been clear for some Time past nor have I had one moment wch I could call my own since the first Day I began to write this letter. I would have gone to the woods but the Indians being the neighbourhood made it too dangerous. At the Foot hereof you have a list of all warrants sent me

I am sir yr very Hum servt John May

In one Packet - 36300 In another - 16850 In two others - 27000 78150

Last edit about 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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