Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention George Swoop

Letter from John and Susan Corlis to Joseph, George, and Mary Ann Corlis, 14 April 1816

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Mrs Edwd K Thompson of this place has a brother ^in law a Doctor near Paris his name George Swoop, enquire about him & let me know-

dear George I hope you will find sufficient encouragment to stay where you are oh how I wish we where all with you - it appears an age sinc I saw yow you all - and I promis my self so much happiness when we meat again after so long an absence - you say in your letter to you father the Grass is green an growning - hear there is there is scarcely a spear to be seen and as late as the 12 we had snow - oh how prefable - and much more delightfull is your Climate - then ours - perhaps I am too sangune but indeed expect to injoy more real happiness in our little coatage then I have for a long while known - adrew my dear son may health and happiness attend you - and I pray you let me have the promised letter soon god bless you is the ordend prayer of your affectionate Mother - dear joseph it is a long while sinc I had the pleasure of a line from you - I called and delivered your note to your Cousins - Ann informed me she had reacently written you a long letter and she hoped it wou'd get safe to hand - as she thought it wou'd amuse you - as she had given you Estracts from Louisa' letters - they have lately heard from her - and she continues to regain her health the your Cousins Smiths are going to give up there house in town and pass the summer in smithfield - I regreet

Last edit about 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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