Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention Eddy

Letter from John and Susan Corlis to Joseph, George, and Mary Ann Corlis, 14 April 1816

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Docr Eddy & thank him for his friendly thoughtfullness of you I understood that it would be necessary that the person to take his place should be [their? ? of ?], I cannot advise you because I know not what will be his proposition, but you will in Course inform me your determination, should you accept it inform me immediately what will be your wants, all I can I will do for you, I have been myself at Hallifax it is situated on the Roanoke river near the Virginia Line Latt. 36.13. the Town & County [arpmorse?] contains ^in 1800 13.563 inhabitants 7020 of whom are slaves, The Town is 36 miles north of Yabarough 75 miles S by W. of Petersburgh Virginia as well as I can remember it was about the size of Pacotuxet when I saw it 27 years since, the Country is perfectly level in Course, subject to fever and ague. & such other fevers as attend that Country, I presume not verry different from Louisville should you think of accepting his place, you wil recollect that, going in the summer instead of fall, that you will have no oppty of getting [annexed?] to the Climate & you should be verry Carefull, & particularly of the night air I pray you think well & use your own Judgement Caution Joseph John & Mary & not to expose themselves, after night to the [dues? (dews?)] of Kentucky I am sattisfied, from information of very intelligent men from the southern states that much of their sickness arrises from exposure to night air & heavy [dues?] let me now what you inform Doc Eddy, & act without any refferance to my opinion, for I really know not how to advise you on this proposition, The plan you propose on Indiana is what induced me to advise your going with us, a plantation with practice in Kentucky or any

[Left margin:] 14 August 1816

Last edit 9 months ago by MKMcCabe
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you will observe I have made the whole thickness of the wall to lap on the old house, Mr Hazard is on a Voyage to Liverpool, its my Intenion to send out a Waggon by first of may I am lookg out for a Clever fellow to go with it, I notice what you say of [Russcleartle?] I never fancied that place for you, and I retain now the same opinion I ever have the largest & most popular are best for phicisians, although they may be longer getting under way, yet when so they are better of[f], among the host of professional men who travel with the larger potion [are? all?] men, [?] not Educated next haveg tried & failed in some other place, & those who have talents & information will rise above them, and if you were not so extreamly diffident of your own quallifications you I am sure would succeed with patience any where in my [?] I advise you to settle in Lexington, but its not my wish to contradict your inclination, as to the place, but I pray you think not of Indiana, in first place you cant hope to practice there & you are illy calculated to use the ax & slaves are not permitted there, & besides it will be the worst Indian frontier in the United States subject for 50 years to [?] to Indian depredation, this is one reason why I disapprove Indiana & the other is it must be workd by white men & those of the hardiest race the Indian frontier to the Southward is much prefferable the Indians are Comptely surrounded by three powerfull states which will keep them always in awe, I meet Docr Eddy yesterday and he informd me he should write you immediately on the subject of takeing the place of an old phicissian at Hallifax No Carolina to whose practise you would be introduced but on what conditions he did not say, I am at a los to know what to advise you on this head, I must leave it entirely to your own Judgement only when you have determined do not fail to write Docr

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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