Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention Jones

Drake's Theatre broadside, ca. 1819.

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On Saturday evening, May 8th

=Will be performed a celebrated comedy, in five acts, called=

Town and Country

Or Which is Best?

Cast Played by
? Mr. Lewis
? Drake
The Rev'd Owen Glenroy, Douglas
Reuben Glenroy Fisher,
Capt. Glenroy S. Drake,
Ross Groshon,
Williams Heram
Armstrong Plummer,
Hawbuck [??]
Cosey [??]
The Hon. Mrs. Glenroy Mrs.[??]
Rosalia Somers Miss Jul[??]
Mrs. Trot Mrs. [??]
Mrs. Moreen Law?]
Tallise Mons[?]
Goodey Hawbuck [J?]
Between the Play and Farce, the celebrated ballad of

===ROBIN ADAIR, - - Mr. Lewis===

The whole to conclude with the musical Farce, never performed here called the

Turnpike Gate.

Cast Played by
Sir Edward Dashaway Mr. Lewis,
Henry Blunt Fisher,
Old Maythorn Douglas,
Young Maythorn Jones,
[?uart] Groshom,
[?om] Plummer
Sailor [Heran?]
Joe Standfast (a sailor) S. Drake
Crack (a Cobler) [Alexander?]
Mary Mathore Mrs. Mougin
Peggy, (Bar maid) Miss Julia Drake
==In the course of the after piece the following Songs.==

Pray young man your suit give over, Miss Julia Drake

Columbia's sons at sea, S. Drake.

Tom Starboard, Fisher,

Duett- When off in Curricle we go Alexander & S. Drake

WIth a Merry Tale, Alexander

Finale ---Love's Ripened Harvest.

===Mr. S. Drake's Benefit on Tuesday.===

Last edit 9 months ago by MKMcCabe

List of expenses for a trip from Kentucky to the Northeast, 1822

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Jones - baited & had bread & milk - 62 rain 31 Few lodged drunken puppy B & S - 4 blacksmith Pas horse - 12 Rain June 1 Cambridge toll bridge - 25 New axle tree - 1 Blacksmith - 1-50 Supper & lodging & breakfast - 3-87 washing - 75 Mending Charles boots - 12 Busk for Elizabeth - 6 Baited at Washington - 25 Fair June 2 Belated & lodged at a private house David Wherry 1-62 Breakfast at Gills - 1-37 1/2 Baited at Morristown - 62 1/2 Blacksmith for waggon & horse - 75 June 3 Lodged at Sharpless B. & S. - 3.62 Ferrage across the Ohio - 87 1/2 Baited at Wheeling - 37 1/2 June 4 suppd and lodged at Beals - 2-50 Breakfast at Clays mille - 1-50 Baited horse Washington Morris - 37 1/2 Cakes - 6 June 5 Lodged at Cannonsburg S. & B. - 3.50 Fed horses at Hays - 37 At the bridge Pittsburg - 43 Freight of trunk - 2 Postage letter from Ky - 18 4 mile tavern lodged suppd 3.37 1/2 Blacksmith - 37 1/2 36.38 1/2

Last edit about 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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