Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention John Macher

Letter from Jonathan Clark to Isaac Hite, 5 December 1807

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As I did not come thro. that part of the country in which Mr John Macher lives, on my way from Virginia last summer; on getting home I addressed a letter to Mr Macher, respecting his purchase of a part of your land for taxes - and some time this fall another - to neither of which I have received an answer; I intend to write to him again by the next post; I observe by your memorandum that you expected that Mr Daniel would probably settle with Macher, and I am in hopes he has done so tho. I think it strange Mr. Macher should not answer me even if Daniel has settled with him - you mention in the memorandum that you were at the time of the sale only interested in one of the tracts - indeed I remember that you mentioned that circumstance when I was at your house- I was at some loss to know which of the tracts I should settle with Macher for and wrote to know what advance he charged you on his purchase of your land in the state of Ohio - I mentioned to him, at the same time - that you had understood that he did not purchase with an intention of speculating on you - that he only claimed a compensation of the inconvenience of laying out of the use of his money ~ as I expect if Mr Daniel has settled with Macher you have probably heard it before now - I shall be glad to hear that he has done so - if he has not settled with him, I wish to hear - at any rate I shall be glad to hear from you respecting these taxes - Perhaps by this, you know which of the tracts you were interested in, if I hear from you before I do from Macher, and Daniel has not settled with him, it will probably be best to send up a messenger for the purpose of settling with him (Macher). but then without you can inform me, I shall be at a loss to know which tract I shall pay for - If I had have heard from Macher and he had fixed on a reasonable advance, I should have thot it best to have paid for both tracts, and trusted to being reimbursed by those you sold the land to - with respect to the land devised by Colonel Madison to his daughters - I have made enquiry, Clover creek on which the land lies - is in Hardin County - and perhaps 50 or 40 miles below the falls of the Ohio

Last edit about 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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