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Letter from John Todd to Arthur Campbell, 2 July 1780

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Richmond 2nd July 1780

Dr Col.

I am bound to return you thanks on behalf of the Kentucky Inhabitants for your late attention shewn to their distresses. - The assembly will sit about 10 days longer I expect - The House were yesterday in Comee upon the Bill for recruiting 5000 regulars I expect will pass the whole House nearly as in Comee. The County to be laid off in 4 Divisions of 44 men making each division as equal in ability assigning a certain district for each division If the Bounty of 2 or 3000 will not raise the four men or 11th part of the Militia. The property of the District is to be charged I make good the Residue - The Finance [page damaged]s only been read the first time & altho' I am a friend to [damage]et I find it extreme ly exceptionable & doubt whether it [damage]ls - a False Alarm yesterday occasioned the House to [damage] absence to many of the Members for the Remr & I fear the [damage] will be thin

Genl Clinton with 4000 men arrived about 2 Weeks ago at N. York. Kniphausen had advanced before to Elizath Town Point and Genl Washington was at Springfield on his Flank I expect the the Enemy are thus industrious this spring to affect something of Moment before the arrival of the French Fleet & I much fear their vigour will exceed ours. As to Kentucky news - the Coun ty is divided into three- Bensons Creek & the Beach Knobs separate Jefferson the lower County from Lincoln the upper one both on the South side the River - Fayette is the name of that on the No Side Kentucky - Connolly's 1000 Acres of the Falls is given to Trustees for a Town Louisville - a Bill is running the Gauntlet for vesting the escheated lands in Trustees for a publick School But parsimony still holds a Seat among us & I fear a Majority will at last prevail against it -

Pray what news about the Tories? Accts from your Quar ter alarm us much. You dont want precedent for the proper punishment if you succeed - I shall be about Richmd till the Middle Augt I will be glad of a line or two. Compts to your Lady I am Dr Col. Your mo. obedt Hble Servant

Jno [Toddy's?]

Last edit 8 months ago by MKMcCabe
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Historical 1780 "Connoll's 1100 acre grant is given to trustees for a town Louisville"

Campbells Washington

Last edit 8 months ago by MKMcCabe
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