Pages That Mention Marks
Orderly book for Anthony Wayne, 1794
Page 7
Head Quarters Greenville 25 Apl 1794
Field officer for to Morrow Coln Clark Sub Legionary Major Wade-
Sub Legionary Order Adjutant for to Morrow Tinsley For Guard Capr Wm Lewis Lt Gregg and Ensign Marks
Page 10
Head Quarters Apl 28th 1794 Field officer of the Day to Morrow Major Cass Sub Legionary Guion
Sub Legionary Orders Adjutant for to Morrow Tinsley For Guard Capt Springer Lieut Steel Ensign Wright and Marks-
Page 31
Sub Legionary Orders Adjutant for to Morrow Mac Rea For Guard Ensign Mark's
The Commanding officers of compan= -ies in the third Sub Legion will in future Charge their men with all thier arms Ammunition and Accoutrements they may from time to time receive and give them credit for all that are damaged by unavoidable accidents or used by order - To Carry this order into effect an Inspection of arms ammunition & accoutrements must take Place