Pages That Mention Guion
Orderly book for Anthony Wayne, 1794
Page 4
William Levard private in Captain Hannahs Company, was tried charged with uttering two false orders in the Name of Ensign Wright without his Knowledge or Consent. Pleads Guilty The Court find him Guilty- but in consequence of his youth and inexperience and other circumstances in his Favour Sentence him to receive twenty five Lashes only James Berry private in the Company late Faulk ners charged with forging an order in the Name of Mr Wright Ensign in the Sub Legion.
The prisoner pleads not Guilty The Court are of Opinion that he is not not Guilty and do acquit him. Samuel Hyle Sergt in the Company late (Faulkners) charged with going in an Officers Hut and in his Absence drink ing with his Servant or Waiter pleads not Guilty The Court Acquit him. Peter Johnstone private in Capt Guions Company tried charged with neglect of Duty and Disobedience of Orders in appearing dirty and unsoldierlike when for Guard on parade The prisoner pleads not Guilty The Court find him Guilty & Sentance him
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Head Quarters Greenvill ^Apr 24th 94
Field Officer for the day to morrow Major Cass- SubLegionary Major Guion-
SubLegionary Orders - Adjutant for to morrow MacRea For Guard Lieut Steele & Ensign Shanklin
Page 10
Head Quarters Apl 28th 1794 Field officer of the Day to Morrow Major Cass Sub Legionary Guion
Sub Legionary Orders Adjutant for to Morrow Tinsley For Guard Capt Springer Lieut Steel Ensign Wright and Marks-